I like Seals, my signature changes a lot. Ever signed something with a hangover?
I like Seals, my signature changes a lot. Ever signed something with a hangover?
@work and @home. You guys are my personal excuse for slacking.
The strange obsession with boxes is almost like a house kat. They too seem content just to 'be' with the box.
Looks goood, but don`t they all do in this stage?
Weird, did they mix up the Astralian and European update?
Student loan is up to 20.000 euro`s, that `ll keep me from spending too much on games for a while.
Cool, so the viral appears real? Will we see Dead Rising 2 in Koln?
Strange, its the worst PES since years.
OK, blame Microsoft sounds good in a lot of cases. But not in this one.
Model: simplified version of the real thing. Good luck.
PMP is that a disemvoweld Pimp?
Not a belly button, probably a cigarette burn. She started smoking now that its' proceeds benefit uninsured children.
Ow crap, can it be good?
Too bad, it could have been great, but it isn`t.
I love cutscenes, and I love GTA, But I don`t know for sure about the DS version: Chinatown Wars. I`ll definitly give it a go.
I think I want one, as long as they are not more expensive then an actual gun.
Yeuh for us; The Dutch!
Man, does it really matter? I can`t believe all the crap that seems offensive nowadays. Can`t even get out of bed without stepping on someones toes.
I love these lttle advertising films, the games are mediocre but I love these raving rabbits.
I`d like to check out the multiplayer