Personally, I think Psychonauts is a must play. Great game and if it`s not your cup of tea, so be it. But play it at least once.
Personally, I think Psychonauts is a must play. Great game and if it`s not your cup of tea, so be it. But play it at least once.
Weird, doesn`t seem right. Xbox 360 winning best console based on what exactly? (I own two out of pure need cause one keeps braking down)
That sucks. Still i`d rather they replace games for free then settle the lawsuit with some dude who can afford a laywer or barrister.
If DRM would quit being a millstone, purchasing physical copies will stop. Downloading is cheaper and a lot easier, data can`t scratch. And if it`s broke, down it again!
See? product placement works!
I ain`t buying it. And if I get it at christmas, I won`t look at it. (I think)
Glasses can apperently be bought in amsterdam, everybody and their brother has `m. Let`s just say, its not my style and keep it at that.
Trauma centre Iphone, with even less battery time then a Nintendo DS, DS Light or the Wii-mote. I hate Apple otherwise i`d buy it.
Nice, good way to review
It`s not the decent writers that are dissapearing, it`s the public. The only thing you can blame, is the failure to captivate them.
Raymans Raving Rabbits TV Party (Wii also from me :)), for my 5 year old cousins
Great, can`t wait to get started.. again
Incredible, stealing electronics is actually more rewarding than stealing gold or jewelery. Easy to sell, no hassle!
I`m glad that none of the usual (Republican, FOX making or FOX viewing) videogame-haters come across these games. For once they would be almost right... almost...
I kind of doubt if the results are apliccable to all women. They survey was conducted on 120 women during a gaming expo...
It`s just sad. A tragedie.
I liked the idea, but I pity the outcome. Let`s call it a concept and work on that. Ok Ms. Inamura?
I doubt we`ll see Halo 4 anytime soon. Yes,there will be Halo spinn-offs, ports and shovelware but Epic`s Gears Of War stands a better chance then the overdone Halo franchise. You can never have too many shooters on a console, but Halo 4 just isn`t going to happen....
What are those two dutch provinces doing at the TGS? That`s just plain weird.. [] [])