
It would save ammo, that is enviroment friendly right? So, a good thing then.

Hell yeah, taped @firstlook in Amsterdam. I`m so glad Randy did the demo, I played the demo level behind closed doors and it is the good old Duke feeling.

Hell yeah, taped @firstlook in Amsterdam. I`m so glad Randy did the demo, I played the demo level behind closed doors and it is the good old Duke feeling.

Incredible, it will be big in Japan.

So far:

@SewerShark: @Sidetalker: It is a fix. I wouldn't buy an i-Phone in the first place. But they did the one thing that was economical en correct. Admit you are wrong & fix it. Cheaply with rubber. I`d use ducktape.

@gizgizgiz: Thanks! Study kind of proves most people are idiots. (When it comes to taste & money)

Hmm i`m impressed. Shows a lot of potential.

Amazing, But the Bordeaux example should be explained. Perhaps.

Displying other smartphones was a feeble excuse, but a free case is what it is. A solution. Props for Consumer Reports, they informed the customer.

Rounders, bit of a classic.

Ok, that is a slight reason to be alarmed if you live in the UK. I bet Maggie Thatcher wouldn't stand for it .

Thats pretty amazing. Good job!

Why not christen it Killzone 3d while you still can?

I got my doubts, based on Guitar Hero franchise. Call Of Duty III and WAW are not the best games in the series.

Nice job. As I read the article I realized the world would be an awesome place if only all parents took their responsibility as seriously as you.

The film was nice, i loved intergrating the text in the picture. i`m pretty sure you'll have a deja vu or two if you play Splinter Cell's conviction.

I think I want to check it out, even if its not made by the same team as Fallout III

@bakagaijin: Agreed, My main concern, what am i gonna do with it? play Tetris on a really big screen?

minor typo, 3rd pragraph second sentence. " Within that, you cna adjust..."