Freeform Blue

I thought this also, but the use of the word “whilst” overrode any other thought on grammar. I really dislike when that word is used. Unless you’re a character in a Jane Austen book or the like.

2 dozen homes? As in 24? Trash and food? As in trash bags dumped in yards and eggs? Friends’ houses? As in people that are not on the team? Maybe we aren’t getting all of the facts here.

Okay please. Yes he is privileged but that resume above cannot be achieved by privilege alone. Come ON.

He’s 29 now, but yes, he is Doogie Howser. He graduated from Bard College at the age of 15 then started at Yale law school at 16. He’s member of the New York Bar. He had already done a stint at the State Department before he started a career in journalism. His resume is pretty insane.

I love Bob.
I just love Bob.
I want to grab him by the cheeks and make cooing noises at him.

I appreciate her working “forking” into the Instagram.

I think it’s more that the dude took it from the woman that caught it and then threw back the ball that he didn’t catch. He got to be billy badass with a ball somebody else caught for him.

Maybe he was just afraid it was going to explode?

I can’t speak to the legitimacy of the Bennett photo, but I do know this picture is real and it pisses me off. Really, though, we all kind of secretly knew.

WWDITS is far from “mediocre”.

Hot Fuzz needs the sequel, not Shaun of the Dead. Hot Fuzz.

Joe Maddon is my husband and I don’t like who he becomes when he is on TBS

Definitely not the first time as this isn’t even his first DV related arrest.

yeah, maybe...if elves actually aged.

Nala’s a lion?

I can’t decide whether this looks amazing or awful.

I haven’t seen an orangeman cause this much chaos for the national scene since every day this year.

I would argue it’s the station’s responsibility to know who they are putting on the air. As they point out in the video, if anyone who had booked them had done even the cursory amount of research on the two of them, they would have been found out that they were not for real.

No one has ever gone on the internet, started a post with "does anyone else…" and been met with a "No."