Freeform Blue

Yaay! I kept refreshing the “Stranger Things” tag page waiting for this.

Yeah - I could buy it up until the hand in the window with the elongated middle finger. That crossed into creepypasta territory.

Orcas don’t belong in captivity. Neither do elephants. Elephants are very adept breeders in the wild, who have long lifespans when not being poached. In captivity, they transform: typically infertile, die young, aggressive, display sterotypic behaviors (head bobbing, etc.) They get diseases that their wild

Right. If everyone you work with is incompetent/egotistical/incapable of understanding a central “vision”/etc. etc. —- after a certain point, you need to ask yourself if maybe YOU are the problem, not them.

They would probably release week-to-week. They split season one of The Tick into two releases (I believe 12 episodes were filmed, but they only put 6 online) because they wanted to create “a Game of Thrones-type” buzz.

Would you prefer to wait 8 years between seasons?

A few moments had me laughing to the point of tears — I can't remember the last time a show or movie did that to me. (Honestly - it's depressing to think about it.)

They're all examples of broken oaths/promises/contracts:
- Brienne breaks her oath to protect Sansa by abandoning her post
- Arya breaks her promises to the faceless men and the Many-Faced god by pursuing her own justice instead of completing her assignment on the docks
- I'm pretty sure committing mutiny and killing a

Apparently it was CGI.
But I watched it again and CANNOT see the CGI. Maybe you just have to have an eye for it and I just don't.

My impression is that these are more or less the cliffhangers that the last book left us with (haven't read them but have read other people's discussion).
GRRM has said that he hopes to release the next book before season 6, so this buys him 9 months.

In the commentary, the directors said she did it to leave something behind so that whomever comes looking for her would know she'd been there. Like in LOTR when Pippin removes that leaf pin as a sign they'er alive.

And the hair barrettes!

2 factor authentication?

I'm wondering if the fact that Tom James is infinitely more popular than Selina comes into play?