Freeform Blue

Nope, he was walking off when someone threw something at him and that is when he deviated from leaving the field.

Somebody, not on a team or the league’s payroll, needs to be protecting these guys

Actor Sophie Turner added that, unlike most of the other X-Men films to date, Dark Phoenix is supposedly gritty in a very necessary way so as to balance out its more fantastical elements.

I mean, I’m not sure what the long-term solution to this is. Even seemingly well-meaning governments often slap together a couple token “affordable housing” projects that only yield a few properties that end up overwhelmed by demand, but by that point, everyone loses interest after the initial press conference is over.

The hit on Brown — who caught the damn ball — in the endzone in the fourth quarter was sickening. Dude couldn’t register the celebration dance.

Even as a person pretty high up in the percentiles, I can’t help but feel ill at the thought that we’re increasing the deficit and throwing away so many public goods and services so people like me can get $2K we don’t even really fucking need.

“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”

Maybe they hired him because of the Staph he would bring with?

can’t cross...a golf course

No, but I stared at the rocks long enough that I eventually saw a nice 3D sail boat.

Sorry to hear about your marriage.

Why the focus only on science graduate students? The model you suggest applies to graduate students in the humanities and social sciences as well. And those students will likely be hurt even harder if this change goes through, because jobs in the humanities and social sciences pay less than STEM jobs anyway, and there

Eyes allow more expression, and The Corpse Bride used them when that was required:


Oh, P.S., the first twenty-four hours are the worst... Better bring a poncho.

“Oh, Tyrod. The toll road of denial is a long and dangerous one. The price, your soul. Oh, by the way, you have until five to clear out your locker. I’m starting Sunday.”

Here are a few words that rhyme with Kyle: bile, vile, butt-dial, smile, senile, juvenile, pedophile...

Does it give her a pass? I just read a long, damning expose of her behaviour that makes it almost impossible to think of her as anything but an abuser. It doesn’t seem like charges have been filed, however.

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.