
That's exactly what happened. He liked it and he clearly liked the Prime Minister. I saw the ending as her dancing in Lenny's fantasies. Especially since it was overlaid with factoids that Lenny seemed to be spewing earlier on about Greenland.

Given portraits of Jesus- and in particular his skin tone on said portraits- are one of the original "alternative facts", who's to know?

Voiello didn't almost yell at a child, he definitely yelled at the child, calling him an idiot.

No, they aren't interchangeable and no one uses them that way. They both imply a group of people of a particular color. You very obviously didn't choose to use redneck in your answer.

Gosh, why don't you go ahead and use the n-word instead of what you think is an acceptable substitute.

It's not only that white people can be racist. It's obviously contextual. If a white guy was to find himself in Nigeria (or any other majority black population) trying to get jobs and was being denied jobs for which he were qualified based simply on skin color, then the people preventing that hiring would be racist

Well for one, racism's roots come from power not just prejudice. It's the ability to hold people down, keep them from getting jobs etc. Most minorities and minority groups don't hold the power to be racists though they can be prejudiced. That was free. The rest of your education you'll have to do on your own. No

Black people sure as hell wouldn't have voted for Ben Carson (in significant numbers) had he been the Repub nominee.

See there… I always defend Seinfeld on this. I'm black and I loved how many of the supporting cast and guest stars were black or people of color. I still watch it today and it's noticeable to me vs other "white" shows. Seinfeld could give a lesson to shows like Girls for sure.

I continue to hope that people will understand the difference between racism and prejudice but I continue to be disappointed. *Cough, cough, looking at you*

Somehow you made your way to "Patridge Family" from a number that was a pure 70's disco soul song… I mean there was a soul train line for crying out loud.

But Kevin's the oldest…

I concur. She's one of those universally loved characters and I just scratch my head like huh?… but why?

Yeah, I think it's supposed to play that way but they have these really intimate ways of standing a bit too close to each other, and the scene blocking for them reads romantic at times.

Yeah, there are a few real life long lasting institutions like American slavery and the holocaust that are examples of people's ability to justify away the horrors done to others if it serves them. Don't need Omelas for that lesson.

Well, and also socks are a holder of sweat. It's not seeing a dry bare foot, it's the imagining of a moist sweaty foot when someone takes of a sock that ups the gross factor for me.

Huh, wonder if they are making an obvious Jackson reference with that pair naming… nothing on the show to suggest but it's interesting.


Taking off shoes on flights encourages swelling but I understand the discomfort and desire. HOWEVER when people look over and see you removing your socks, they do a little disgusted shiver. I know I do… Worse are the people who walk to and from the plane toilet with bare feet.

If anything it was a mercy killing. Janet 2.0, complete with cactus glitches, freakin rocks.