
If it was Lala, they are a headliner and one of the founding bands so yeah, they got a good cut of your ticket $$.

I wish Adam Scott had played it one less shade over the top. I love him but not yet loving him on The Good Place.

The Webisodes are still on HBOGO and also available HBO on demand (FIOS at least) last time I checked.

I'm hoping that this is going towards a clash for Chidi where he'll have to choose between Tahani (his soulmate) and Eleanor (the woman he actually wants to be with) and it will completely blow his mind that the thing he's been waiting for and is supposed to want, based on the constructs of The Good Place- is not what

Your sentence structure of "can we all just treat black people like "they" are normal" already shows you have some separation in your mind. The more America tries to claim it's post-racial, the more it's clear that it's not. But, I want you to know that I've been treating white people like "they" are normal for

Well, there is one solution to this… hire talented black writers. If the writer's room looks like the population it really shouldn't be an issue to write for diversity.

Oh jerodast… so angry over…. nothing. Go meditate or something. We disagree. Life will go on.


Oh, you have "perspective" I suppose because that actually happened to you.. do tell.

If you say so. Right is right and wrong is wrong. And if as you say "Jimmy has a heart", then he is in an even better position to know when he's doing wrong and therefore should be held to an even higher standard.

Oh, ok. You disliked an entire character because they wrote that one line. Sure…

JLD is an exec producer on this show so she obviously supports the character direction.

…or perhaps someone who wants to appear provocative but just seems out of touch.

Who uses the word bastard to refer to a child born to a couple not wed in this day and age??

None of the freedom as a result of her own indiscretion.

Holly Taylor looks like Keri Russell?????? Not even a little bit.

What if he ties her up, what if he moves his family away, what if he does nothing…

People keep saying that. I don't think it will ever happen. I think Paige will remain somewhat pure as a juxtaposition to her parents. Now I agree, she may come around to "accept" that certain things need to happen for her to keep living her American life.

I agree, I felt like he was willing to do anything to not give up the information they were looking for or get himself captured including jumping off the building.

Hmm, interesting, it doesn't parallel for me. I get Sopranos and Breaking Bad because we have two men doing bad things for power and money - and that we still root for them is kind of crazy because we know they aren't really good people.