
I don't get that argument because getting others involved would show Don he was framed so he's in a much less guilty position with his wife. Elizabeth is playing the game that Don intentionally slept with her, which Don actually believes therefore giving her much more leverage if Don doesn't want his wife to find out

Whatever, Paige should feel guilty as hell. She pressed and pressed for the truth from her parents, couldn't handle it and spilled the beans. I know she's young but there it is- implications for your actions. And she's still being argumentative even after knowing how serious of a situation they're in.

I thought Philip talking about this mom overlayed with a cut back and forth to Elizabeth was to indicate the strength and determination and sense of justice of both women

Sure, Wally and his 5 scenes are dragging down the show. Of course the neverending search for Jessie along with the addition of Officer Boring- Patty Spivet- have nothing to do with it. Not to mention the oh so dull until he was villanized Jay -can't do anything- Gerrick and the sad love story between him and

It's really not that serious. Feel free to defend Ian and let me know how you feel about Kat's acting. Agree to disagree is not an end of the discussion statement. It's a I feel how I feel and I respect that you feel differently. It doesn't mean I can't let you know why I feel the way I do. I didn't know my POV

Well let's agree to disagree. Ian's stock 3 acting go tos, of raised eyebrows, jokey delivery, and wide eyes don't demonstrate a lot of range to me. Kat kills everything she's given even when she was fed crap for 6.5 seasons.

Not really baffling to me. The good ole boys network is still alive and well in TV and Movie production.

Based on the internet which is always true and factual, MM is signed for season 8 so doesn't seem like he will die.

Interesting… I view the Bonnie character and Kat Graham as improving and raising the acting level of every other person she interacts with. Ian is rarely as good with anyone as he is in scenes with Kat Graham. Likewise for Michael Malarkey.

I've not once watched Grinder's Dean and thought of Parks & Rec's Chris Traeger. Gosh I hope you haven't put a thought into my head that I can't get out.

I always feel like John O'Hurley's performances lack teeth. And by teeth I mean penis. His performances lack penis in that they are suave but not sexy. I never buy that he'll actually bed any of the women who are the object of his complements. Funny how even when animated, that remains true.

See there, I expect the viewing public to do the "Don Draper" or "Walter White" thing and villainize those who go against the "hero" but I wouldn't expect that from a recapper who should know these traps. To say Chuck is as bad or worse than Jimmy for simply wanting to prove to himself and others that he isn't crazy

I can't be the only one who LOVES that Fred Savage still has that break in his voice that makes it high pitched when he gets excited. From The Wonder Years to The Princess Bride; that voice sounds like childhood.

"I have one of the smartest faces in here".

I've been on this earth for a lot of years. Nothing shocks me- least of all this tiresome exchange. Just because sisters marry exes doesn't mean everyone ok with their sister marrying their ex. Just because something happens on a tv show doesn't mean I'm going to agree with it.

You think I haven't read your posts- not just to me but to others- you are all over this board stating YOUR opinion and assuming you can tell others what to do or how to feel and you are particularly passionate about this- what are you on 20+ posts to different ppl holding an opinion that this is not ok?.. The number

Listen- let's go with we are fundamentally different people. Yes, side-eyeing you for thinking one of your best friend's ex-boyfriends is ok to date. And no, not all women are like that. My best friends would never. All of your former posts about "no one should keep me from love" shows a self-centeredness and

I can DO anything I want. Women being competitive with one another is no secret and being truthful about that is the only way to move beyond it. I pride myself on my loyalty. So I would not want you as a friend. It's that simple. The fact that you overvalue male/female relationship love above friendship love

Trust Cindy- none of those actors are going hungry. It sucks that they have less residuals coming in but they can feed themselves just fine. I worry a lot more about the working poor.

No, very much in the real world too. I would not go down that route with one of my friend's exes. There are a lot of men in this world to have to fish that close to home and ruin a good friendship. That is why women are constantly in competition with each other - because they seem to feel they are in a fight for