
Another excuse to humiliate Will Forte?? This show was created and is written by Will Forte so if that's happening it's a self inflicted wound.

Wow, I thought I was the only one not drinking the Sudeikis Kool-Aid.

This feels like a redo of the Phil and Tandy dynamic where Phil was so cool that they had to start calling the original Phil, Tandy. And oh by the way, it was done better in the original story with Boris Kodjoe (I miss looking at him). This is the same story with the only difference being it's his brother.

Always had a beautiful body. All the ex military training.

Maybe an actor just wants to act. Between Cosby Show, Different World reruns and being married to Jason Mamoa, I think Lisa Bonet's income stream is likely doing just fine.

Wow, wouldn't want you to be one of my best friends. Exes are decidedly off limits. There are a lot of men/women out there, there's no reason for Adam and Jessa to go after one another. Would make me wonder what was happening behind the scenes when I was dating him if my ex-boyfriend and best friend got together.

Reading is fundamental. I've not furthered any argument that would imply that a romantic relationship defines a woman. That's absurd. Read my original post again if you need to for clarity.

Yep and everyone would have given them years but the idea that they should remain platonic friends isn't replicated on any other shows and certainly I don't hear the outcries of "no they need to just remain friends" on shows with white leads vs when the show has black/white pairings.

Yes, well when you post something on a message board you are inviting all comers. So… I'll post back to whomever I want. And just because the likelihood is low doesn't mean the show won't use that as an excuse to go there based on the history of how they've been treating diverse characters and that they have a

"Why are you assuming the next Witness will be white? The dialogue clearly stated it will be someone from Abbie's extended bloodline."

Oh your trollishness keeps morphing. A dumb troll now. Of course a show full of black actors can't be racist. How stupid… eyeroll. A show full of black actors does in fact still have the power to be racist.

LOL. Racist troll. Even better. Given the show has very little viewership, you should be happy with all the viewers who kept it on TV. That's over now.

Amazing deductive powers. Yes, season 2 decimated the ratings. People continued to be upset and continued leaving in season 3 because writing was still poor and witnesses kept apart. Really not that difficult to comprehend… unless you're a troll.

LOL. Troll.

You think they were dispatched because of shippers? OK. They were dispatched because the story didn't work. They wrote Katia's character as the most ineffectual witch on earth

No, it's a flaw in what they've written and what they are saying. The show is about Abbie- the writing, the acting and even Tom has said that.

People so slow to consider racism when there's some proof of such should also go gaze for a while…

I think that goes without typing… your post very specifically wondered how the actress could be white if she were coming from Abbie's bloodline so your reply now is nonsensical.

You can't be this unable to see reality. No they don't have to always be but certainly more than they are. Do you know how often black female characters are portrayed as forever alone just there to advance and support the story of white characters? Wake up.

It's wrong on the level that when you break up with someone, though petty, you want people to pick sides- not literally- but in a sense. And Jessa picked Adam's side and that leads them to bonding over "what's wrong with Hannah" and as you can see they have already spent scenes talking shit about her. I mean Hannah