
But damn he's fun to look at. Corey Stoll is so sexy. He pulls off bald very well.

I think she was right in her original statement that she and Adam would eventually eat each other alive and self implode. They are both addictive personality ex junkies. I don't see this going into maturity. Not with Lena Dunham writing the story.

I love the acting choices Adam Driver makes. The kissing Jessa up and down her body when they were parting was so cute and so loving. Would have been better if I didn't hate Jessa so much.

This is probably the first time I've ever felt truly sad for Hannah (well maybe also when she realized her parent's marriage was really in trouble) because I can't even imagine the feeling of one of my best friends and an ex got together. And not that Adam is just an ex but that I think that idea that they would get

But Elijah is mean. I think he was saying it almost fondly and in wonder that people don't have to be like that vs hurtfully.

I disagree that Barry and Iris have ever referred to themselves as siblings. Nope, never happened. Best friends yes, siblings NO.

Name me one show where the 2 leads didn't eventually become romantic if they exhibited that kind of onscreen chemistry no matter if the show started them out as only and forever friends. If Abbie had been white, the romance would have happened in season 2. I'm just glad that braver shows like TWD exist.

I wouldn't assume it wasn't a racial thing because they had Jenny and Joe. They were appeasing the masses and not afraid to go there with the second rate players but likely deemed it to risky for the Witnesses.

Because the average person considering themselves African American is like 25% European. I find it weird that people don't understand that given a)the number of slave owners who fathered children and b)that black and white people have been living and sexing amongst each other over 500 years in America, and legally

Gosh, how I wish now this was the actual story of this show.

They DID kill off the show's frontrunner. That's what they failed to realize. Abbie, not Crane was the center of this show. Should they come back, the ratings will prove that out, just as they did when they sidelined Abbie in season 2.

Contrary to popular opinion, SH is not Nicole Beharie's first rodeo. If she were nasty that would have come out long ago. She and Fassbender got along enough that they dated for a while after working on Shame. I don't get the sense of nastiness from her at all. She is super smiley in almost every press pic I see

Aww did a black girl yell at you once or something? From everything I've seen, Tom adored Nicole and there are enough pictures out there with his arms around her or him kissing her to show that. Tom is the one who CALLED her when he was there for the commentary and she wasn't. So, if you are going to report rumors,

To be clear I'm talking about Nicole Beharie not Nikki Read and yes she's damn good especially at bringing real emotion to the screen and speaking like an actual person vs an actor. Tom praised her for grounding the show many times. And she more than holds her own next to one of the great actors of our generation-

I don't even know what to say if you can't tell what an excellent actress Nicole is. To each their own I suppose…

Nikki is absolutely amazing in the movie "13". Unfortunately, I've not seen her rise to that promise. Her acting has taken on an "affect" that she didn't exhibit during "13". In that movie, she's so natural… not sure what happened.

I think Hannah gets worse not better. I still like her but she's kind of a d***.

Agree always loved Charlie. Felt like the show lost something when he left.

I don't recall having ever seen Saul's home. If it happened on BrBa, it seems like it would have been brief. Hopefully someone with better memory will comment.

That was made clear in the opening sequence. Jimmy doesn't seem to enjoy the trappings of success. He couldn't sleep until he let himself back into the nail salon office/bedroom and slept on the fold out sofa.