
I don't think we are saying different things. I'm simply disagreeing with the author of this article who said they were living beyond their means - they weren't. As I said, the episode showed them recognizing that they were spending a ridiculous amount of money and might want to make different choices. But not

Bow's an anesthesiologist and Dre's an advertising exec who's at the top of his game and firm. So probably in the +$500 k at least combined. I'd say the author of this article saying they were over their heads financially is untrue. They are just spending a ridiculous amount of money and recognized that during one

Carol had a gun. She took one shot so it's fair to think she still had ammo. Also, the Savior refused to give Rick any information. Maggie and Carol could have left the Saviors and escape but Maggie insisted on leaving no one alive so that there were no dangling threads. Rick made the exact same choice.

I don't get that. How was Rick's murder of that guy less brutal than Carol burning two people up (a terrible way to die) instead of quickly putting them out of their misery with a shot to the head?

I mean, Rick's no angel but didn't he at least shoot the man in the head- killing instantly- vs leaving two men to die slowly in an awful fire? Carol doesn't have the right to give anyone the side eye.

Nacho is in Breaking Bad. He won't die in BCS.

Good lord, the man is only 69 years old. I hope he has many good years ahead.

I agree. I 100% saw the Abbie/Danny discussion as closure. Nothing more.

We'll have to agree to disagree because I did not read her using Ichabod's voice as an anchor to pull her out of purgatory as frosty or the hug she tried to give him when she thought he was actually there with her. I did not read her bringing him back after the candle was extinguished with tears in her eyes as frosty.

What are you on the writing team or something? You are making lots of assumptions just as I am… and you are taking one poorly written statement against all the things we've been shown all season. If they go there with Danny, I certainly don't think it will be for long. These two people have shared words only- no

No, sorry. I will agree that line was super weird but I take it in context of the rest of the communication which was "I'm finally admitting it meant something to me and I'm missing love in my life but it was definitely past tense". If the show was setting up her and Danny we'd be getting a heck of a lot more Danny

Wuh? You thought the Abbie/Danny plot was about her understanding her feelings for Danny. No, no, no. It was clear… the Abbie/Danny side plot was about her coming to terms with her feelings for Ichabod, her realization that she's missing love in her life, and therefore doing closure with Danny to move forward. How

I'm not looking for validation. You don't need to agree. :)

I'm not talking about what TVD SAID about their relationship, I'm talking about what they SHOWED and they SHOWED Elena being a crappy friend. Just like they keep trying to TELL us that Damon is such a good friend to Bonnie but they've never really SHOWN that. Elena sucked as a best friend and girlfriend to pretty

That chick was the ultimate in selfishness asking Bonnie to risk her life again and again to save her, her family and her vampire boyfriends. Just because the final note of Elena's story is to explain away Nina Dobrev leaving and make Elena into the ultimate sacrificing angel doesn't negate any of the 5 seasons prior.

Elena was a crappy best friend anyway. And I imagine it would be pretty difficult to continue being best friends with someone you're never going to see or communicate with again.

I think you are absolutely right about the playing it both ways. I think that's exactly what they are doing- it's neither here nor there. It's just annoying.

The show has a fundamentally racist streak. I give you exhibit A- mute and waiting on the white folk- Beau. It angers me the most for Kat because she and Paul Wesley are the best actors in the cast and she's been given little to work with over 6 years- not to mention the near constant violence against her character.

The Good Wife after they killed Will.

Back off dude, he looks like Tom Selleck!