
I agree, it doesn't appear she's lying but I've had a smarmy money grabbing vibe from her since the beginning. It may be the way the actress is choosing to portray her but I don't like her and feel she's taking advantage of Mike- though the story has given me no reason to believe that is the case.

You could argue the same for Scandal. All I know is the storylines for his characters always seem to slow down momentum, create tangents and generally bring down the overall show quality. He doesn't seem to elevate the material or the actors around him.

To each their own Elliot. I have never found Scott Foley attractive going way back to the Felicity days.

The Foley effect. It's a thing and it kills any show it comes in contact with…

That's just age… the guy is 55 and I'd still rather see him shirtless than Scott Foley anyday! TG is hot.

I have been screaming for years to anyone who will listen that Scott Foley is a show-killer. He brought down True Blood prior to Scandal.

The Ex-SS is Tom- Fitz's old SS detail all the way back from season 1 before it was revealed he's B613.

Jessie L Martin originated the professor role in Rent. It gets no better for an actor/performer than that.

He's living at Abbie's. He's been there since pretty much the start of the season.

I think you mean Jenny and Joe kiss. Abbie and Joe would be quite the twist and I don't think Jenny or Ichabod would be very happy about it,

Agree- confusing how Jade knew. For a moment, I thought it was going to be that Jade was the woman who was with Josh the night Liza went to his apartment and caught him with another woman (who he said sometimes shows up unannounced). I mean, I know Josh is hot but he seems to have a lot of woman just popping by his

That daughter casting is not great. She's not likable. I don't want to spend any time getting to know her. They also made mom and daughter too much alike. They are both flighty and self absorbed. I have no idea what she could possibly teach her daughter or vice versa.

It's not just the size (although I don't think the size is all that different) but also location. Jerry lived on the upper west side- super expensive then and now. Here's a link to an article where Aziz discusses Dev's apartment:…

I find that Americans are the only ones who really think this kind of thing is super scary. My non-American friends either think nothing of it or actually have done it. I lived in Japan for 3 months on exchange and if it weren't for family responsibilities, I'd pick up and move there in a heartbeat. No decision is

Even a poorly paid lead in a big film is going to make a lot of money. Perhaps he didn't make $20MM but he probably made $1MM. It would have taken a lot of stand up gigs for Jerry Seinfeld from Seinfeld (not the real life Jerry Seinfeld) to make $1MM and it was OFTEN mentioned on Seinfeld that Jerry was quite well

Apples and oranges. Why are you mixing up religion and nationality? Both statements may be true but they are not mutually exclusive as you've made them seem here.