
Great - they won’t get your money, but they’ll definitely send a stack of unpaid bills to collections and eventually hit your credit report.  

I’m not following. What’s your usecase - for home use or actual movie theaters?

I’m not following. There’s a default focus mode called “Fitness” (that turns on any time you’re in a workout) with a little running emoji. That’s about as sports-neutral as it gets from an iconography perspective.

One of the linked articles about somebody being stalked using an AirTag wasn’t even remotely correct. The victim was notified about the unknown AirTag, saw that it followed her same path home from a theater, then she went outside and saw a weird car. As she approached that car, the car drove off, and so did the AirTag

Nope, just lazy (or disingenuous) reporting

You really think funding a bunch of scholarships is better than paying actual Americans income? Or do you not realize where that $22k/hour money goes to?

Turns out, this app isn’t the same on iOS as it is on Android.

You know what else conflates statistics? Only reporting on total cases instead of the more important ACTIVE CASES metric (total confirmed - (total recovered + total died))

And I know many people who still feel the same way. There is just a difference of opinion between the average user (who is overwhelmed by all the hidden gestures baked into apps and mobile OS) and a power user (who eats this shit up)

Bought and downloaded the pro version on iOS based on your comment. I’m not seeing the ability to compare other neighboring signals, channel congestion, etc. It’s not a very complex app, so I can’t see how I’d be missing these major features.

Yes, annually. They offered 1TB before, with the new rate it’s up to 2TB.. 

Dropbox also just increased their price from $99 to $120, effective in a few weeks. I’m going to cancel. Just not worth paying for iCloud & Dropbox at the same time.

And the most affluent county (Collin) with the highest likelihood to purchase 5G devices first has zero coverage.

But sure, blame Sprint for the rich/poor divide. 

I just want an alarm that will play a Spotify playlist. That is all. One feature that nobody (outside the Google Clock Android app) can seem to offer.

You blame others when you run a red? Please, elaborate. 

My thoughts as well. How the check in desk + the commercial cargo weight isn’t connected/fed to the pilot’s takeoff loading info is amazing to me.

Cancelling mid-cycle is essentially the same as requesting a refund, and refunds are never a legal requirement, rather more of a good customer service move. McDonalds doesn’t have to give you back a few bucks for your half eaten burger that you didn’t like, but they probably choose to.

This is the prequel to the Walking Dead series. 

And yet Tide still cannot engineer a small cardboard flap to catch the soap that inevitably drips once you’re done dispensing into the cup.

As a Chrome user both on desktop and my iPhone, I find most of my passwords are stored in Google’s Password vault (for auto-fill within Chrome). Is there an easy way to port these into LastPass?