
Yeah. Even if filing the exemption is non-trivial (like what the OP describes for Ontario), if you feel strongly about not vaccinating, you're going to get that done. And especially since it allows for *philosophical* exemptions, which are hard to prove someone is/is not telling the truth about...

I'm waiting for the kids who grew up with "My Child is Meth Monitor of the Day at Elmer Fudd Middle School" affirmations all their lives to start putting that stuff in their emails/business cards.

And smoking is a highly-visible activity, easily avoided by those who wish to do so. Typhoid Timmy and the Measelkidz blend in with everyone else.

"Best Wishes!"

I Remain,
Your Faithful Servant,

Except for the fact that smokers are making personal decisions. These parents are making decisions that can be dangerous for their children and other children who cannot receive vaccines.

If you work in healthcare of any kind and use email, the privacy statement (If you received this in error, etc) is actually legally required. It is part of HIPAA privacy law.

I hear ya! I work for a British company in the US, 3/4 of my IM's end with a "cheers". It's become my default goodbye.

I suspect the reason you can't find a news article about it is because it didn't happen.

That's not true. You can look at the CDC website to see the schedule as far back as 1983. For measles, for example, the first MMR shot was recommended to be at 15 mos. in 1983. Now its given between 12 and 15. DTaP was at 2, 4, and 6 months in 1983, as it is now.

Wonderful way to project judgment coming from someone based on something they do (email signature) by placing judgment on someone for something they do. I work with persons living with HIV so I'm discussing confidential information all the time. So I have to put the confidential tag at the end. It's one of the very

Um, you're in the pediatrician's office already. Vaccinations take about 30 second. A minute if you have to soothe your crying kid.

At least it's not "Sent on the NOW! Network™ from Sprint® from my HTC® Touch Pro" from the bad old days of smartphones

While that last one was atrocious, lots of these smack of a Get Off My Lawn mentality. The legal-ease (or whatever) at the end of emails is annoying because of its intent: "I might have f'd up and sent this to someone I wasn't supposed to, but if you do anything with it, it's your fault and we'll come after you."

...and your clinical information is where? Anecdotal evidence =/= facts.

uh, "cheers" is for more than drinks and in more than the UK.


I use Cheers, Im not from the UK but I want my emails to be less formal, it makes people more likely to respond (at least around here).


A surprising number of people don't know how to do basic housework. Men and women.

I work in fast food and in my journeys wind up helping out with lots of training and new staff orientation, and let me tell you, some of these fucking teenagers don't even know how to mop a floor because they aren't required to do any