


Err that's not how harm reduction works.

All the stars!

Solution: Put them out on ice floes. Or on islands in Alaska. Problem solved.

It's why Millennials should be given a life skills exam at 18 and if they fail, no college.

Yep, sometimes people disagree with you.

Yeah I don't get most of these arguments, perhaps because I didn't grow up in America. At the same time as I see women moaning about men not doing some housework, they're also showing unearned pride in not knowing how to do the same. Not sorry I grew up with parents that taught me better.

Dear straight people: you're doing it wrong.

That women are infallible and perfect, when they're human like everyone else.

You're right, I'm not rich like you. My BF and I do our own laundry. Or more accurately, he does most of it, since he likes things folded a certain way.

Of course you'll disagree, on this site women are super-human and infallible. ;-)

That's what the common room is for I imagine, but actually there's some total nutjob who got all het up because her BF wouldn't make HER bed for her.

Except you didn't prove your point any more than I did, you just ran with that Jezebel trope that's as tired and noxious as calling women females.

This is one of those things that has convinced me that large swathes of the heterosexual members of the human species are just as dumb as coal rollers from WV. Feminism is everyone can be a moron, no matter their gender.

If it's YOUR bed you can make it yourself. I mean you're at your own place right? Do it yourself. If I got het up about stupid silly shit I'd probably be single like you.

Here on Jezebel only super-lily white people exist.

You're a loon. Beds don't need to be made. You need to breathe, you need to shower, and you need to eat, but beds do not need to made you crazy OCD weirdo.

You took a job on the Hill; the rest of us have no sympathy for you.

Heaven forfend your damn parents do their fucking job, let's just pawn it off onto the school system!