
Jed York. He was handed everything he’s ever had and he acts like he fucking built it. He wasn’t even alive for the entity of the Dynasty Niners and he acts like he orchestrated that shit. I bet he’s the kind of dick who doles out “advice” to homeless people who ask him for money.

Finland? Morocco? I’m having trouble thinking of a place where someone could find flour tortillas, but not corn tortillas.

Where the fuck do you live? Antarctica?

Thomas’s taco question does not compute. Are people such savages that they make tacos with flour tortillas? Is that actually a thing?

Tortillas: Jesus covered this in the Bible: 



Cory wants to have sex with the Mom. It’s obvious, but you missed his desperate clues and cries for affirmation, now he has to go ask Dr. Phil. Nice work, Drew.

The Deep State should swap Donald Trump for Alec Baldwin in a wig. And whenever Trump supporters are like “hey! That’s not Donald! That’s a libtard in a wig!” the rest of the country can say “what? No. You’re crazy. That’s totally Trump! Look at the hair!” And we can all just pretend for four years while Alec vetoes

I would not be looking forward to anything involving the word “fallout” for the next four years.

There once was a fool from Manhattan

I hope it kills him. With pain.

‘Lewandowski called volunteer efforts by previous presidents “platitudes,” adding, “Donald Trump wants to bring jobs back so we don’t have soup kitchens. He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”’

Working on the 26th floor and living even higher in a building like Trump tower there’s a good chance his windows don’t even open (and if they do, not wide). The idea that he’s in a prison without even exposure to a fresh breeze is some small comfort.

meh. could use more gold and maybe a golf course or two.

Fuck Donald Trump a million and half times. I hope pretending to be president ruins his life.

Lewandowski called volunteer efforts by previous presidents “platitudes,” adding, “Donald Trump wants to bring jobs back so we don’t have soup kitchens.

KFC and Trump Grill.

probably his own restaurant. Can’t get enough of those taco bowls.

He’s tweeting, he’s occasionally visiting the two restaurants he likes, and he literally doesn’t get outside even to glimpse the sun: