
They switched to Monster Cables.

That’s not really fair, they are assholes when they are winning too.

Bennett was the dumbass who asked if the cancer-surviving reporter had ever faced adversity. Never ask a question like that if you don’t know the answer is no. But that’s one of those social grace things that you obviously are unaware of.

Spotted another 12.

Ive never seen a bigger bunch of whiners and poor sports when they ate losing.

I’m starting to really not like this team much.

For sure. It’s not like the Giants or the Jets where the press is out to hang them if they lose a meaningless game in week 7. Seattle has it easy, since no one gave a crap about them 5 years ago and they’re well on their way back to that in the next few years.

The Seahawks defense, in particular, needs to stop being such assholes to a press corps that (for the most part) gives them a VERY wide berth. There’s no New York Post-level bullshit here, the coverage is all pretty favorable and very geared to the rah-rah level “12" people. I realize it’s right after a pretty

Ohhh Deadspin. Bless your heart. These guys have made asses of themselves longggg before they were made darlings of the media and sites like these.

Again, are we sure the Seahawks aren’t just a bunch of assholes?

“What adversity you went through?”- 31-year-old man worth $19 million because he’s good at a game

I like that he coordinates the excessive stickers on his car with excessive stickers on his shirt.  

Yup. I’ve multiple of these conversations:

We outnumber you and we are smarter.


Didn’t you hear, she was going to take away all of your guns. Just like Obama both of his terms. He took away so many guns, you now have negative guns. And “Killary” was going to take away even more. That’s like double negative guns!!!!! And don’t forget she’s a lying crooked liar! And saint Trump is a beacon

Let me repeat that.

What’s especially useful about you guys is that you make it so easy to spot you.

Hey hey, whoa now. Calling neo-nazis “Fecal-Americans” is a disservice to fecal matter. Manure is actually beneficial to the world.

Fuck CNN