
Sometimes I get the sneaking suspicion that he’s just trolling us. And then I realize, no. He’s just a troll. From the “wife not moving to the White House/he wants to stay in NY” to “racist guy for (fill in cabinet position)“ he’s proving to be willing and wanting to destroy government as anything than a protectorate

There was like this brief window a week ago when I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the argument that Trump voters shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand as either A) racist or B) stupid as fuck because ... something, something, working class whites ignored for too long.


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How does one do a churro? Striaght line burnout?

After he won, did he do churros instead of doughnuts?

They’re taking our championships. I’m sure some of them are nice people though.

I learned English watching Ninja Turtles as did my brother. I’m also forever thankful about the hard work my immigrant parents put in so they can provide opportunities for the kids. I think a lot of you know a Daniel Suarez or 20 in your life.

Deport him! Make NASCAR great again!


Daniel Suarez is one BAD HOMBRE

The ultimate fuck you to the sports leaders who threw their hats into the trump ring. so great

I honestly don’t think we should joke about Sriracha and butts together... Satan’s Rimjob is no joking matter.

If you’ve been pulled over for speeding that many times, then you are a worthless, reckless, selfish, idiotic piece of shit, and I hope you get the shit beat out of you next time.


He looks like if Russel Crowe really let himself go.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

It needs to be said that Jews overwhelmingly voted against Trump. Like 74%-76% depending on which poll you look at.

White House White Chief of White Strategy