Fred G. Sanford

Well, you’re not a great-looking <insert preferred pronoun>, either.

Love my current Lexus LX, and think this new GX looks great. First Lexus in last few years without the large garish chrome grille. Dealers are getting very positive reaction from this one, I’ve already put my name on a waitlist. 

Based on my reactions to the GX and what I see on multiple car sites, you may be one of very few people in total who does not love the look of the new GX.

It’s an entire brand built around the retro trend that is by-and-large 10 years out of date by now. It would be like if Chrysler built a PT Cruiser brand that was just building variations on that theme today.

That car has more of a sad fish face than I realized before.

I just can’t believe that the giant fish mouth grill craze hasn’t burned out yet, and somehow is spreading from brand to brand. I keep hoping that someone will come out with a new car without one and break the pattern, but it never happens! If something comes out without a huge grill, it’s almost always electric and

This is an ugly car. Looks like a catfish.

Did GM designers go to Hyundai?

I just cant get over the looks of that front end. It’s so.... Herp derp!

Agree to disagree, but I always thought the front end on the F-type looked terrible.  Boring and angular, not sculpted like the beautiful rear end.  The new one fits the overall design much better.

has pricing starting at $23,400

Offensive shot interference.... dude was a WR, not a DB

This. People who buy Audi's, Mercedes, etc. are after a badge. That badge is not the Mazda owl.

No reason this article needs to be longer than one sentence: they are too expensive.

Another correction: “I just bought one at age 19 but ran it into a tree on the way home from the dealer”

Maybe we just have enough cars already. Who the heck is buying new cars anyway?

Back in late March my mom bought a 2018 Durango GT that was sitting on the dealer lot for 11.5 months. Only reason we can gather why it wasnt sold compared to others was that it was purple (2018 only color In-Violet).

Now, the car had a sticker price of about $45,000. There were about $9,000 of rebates out on it,

Are there any particular models that aren’t moving? Could this be because the prices have practically doubled in the last 8 years or so?

Honestly I gather most people won’t actually care what the name badge is anymore. They really just want to have a good baby stroller.
