
@rathat: as of April, AT&T had 87 million subscribers, and there are currently about 16.5 million iPhones on the AT&T network.

@MarcusMaximus: To be fair, there are half as many Android users on Verizon as there are iPhone users on AT&T. It's not at all clear that their network will be fine, although it's also not clear that it won't be.

The feature didn't work for me until I launched the photos app and it rebuilt the database. Seems obvious in hindsight why it didn't work, but still. I agree it's kind of a gimmick, but can see that it might be useful on occasion.

@OMG! FriedPeeps: There's a difference between Elements and The Elements.

@soldstatic: Apple removing an app from the store does not remove it from devices. iOS firmware updates don't do it either. So the only people out $30 are those who paid Grooveshark but never got around to downloading the app before it was pulled. Everyone else can keep using the application from now until the end iTunes+ purchases play just fine on a Zune. Old songs not upgraded to plus are a different matter.

@kingcrim84: Again, that's how polling works. The largest presidential election poll (Rasmussen) had a sample size of 3,000 to predict the outcome of an election in which 130 million votes were cast. They predicted a 52-46 Obama victory. Actual results? 53-46.

Apple hasn't been consistent about this at all. They've left a lot of the posts about the original Consumer Reports piece that was pro-iPhone. They've left up posts that point out the other half of this CR piece - "Consumer reports rates iPhone as the best in the market", for example. They've left plenty of "if you

@saturdaysaint: Or you can get the reader effect exactly by using the Readability bookmarklet, from whence the inspiration came in the first place.

Considering that the link is the only way to send feedback on the beta, doing this turns you from Beat Tester into Guy That Wants a Free OS Upgrade That Will Work Until August. Fair enough, but at least be honest about it.

@crabbygeek: about 80%, per the keynote (8 million today, 10 million by the end of Q1)

@Dunny0, Team T/A: except that before, you'd be paying 30 cents to upgrade from something you paid 99 cents for to something that would cost you $1.29 to buy new. The DRM-laden track you paid 99 cents for yesterday would cost how much in its DRM-free form today? 99 cents.

@Jim Topoleski: maybe, but except for the iTunes Plus tracks, they're not like bit rates. So the choice is generally a marginally cheaper (20%), higher bitrate MP3 at Amazon or a substantially cheaper (50%) like bitrate song at Amazon.

@LiquidGravity: Mechanical Turk, where anyone can be a slave.

Unless Mr. Fields weights about 265 pounds (unlikely given the picture), he's not burning 600 calories in four hours walking at 1 MPH. I'm all for people being fit, but wouldn't he be better off cranking the treadmill up to 7 MPH for half an hour, which would actually burn a little over 500 calories (if he weighs 200

Or you could just search the USDA database directly:

@bethanyboo: true, there's nothing particularly Firefoxy about it. It'll work fine in any JS-enabled browser, including IE (I just tried it in IE6).

Thank goodness for this. I love Foxit Reader as much as the next geek, but they really need to make a plugin to allow PDFs to open within Firefox. I can always set it up to launch Foxit upon clicking a PDF link, but that's neither the behavior I expect nor want. Until Foxit addresses this deficiency, I've gone back to

"Jack Lewis" is also a scumbag spammer. At some point, he must have decided that I was a kindred spirit, even though my blog posts and his had a confluence of zero. He refuses to take me off his mailing list, and the only reason I don't have an email filter consigning his messages to the trash is that it's fun to

@edmicman: it doesn't work that way. All AD does is append the highlighted text to the end of the advanced search operator. So if you highlight "Advanced Dork" and pick site, it runs a Google search for "site:Advanced Dork".