
Would it, though? Your commute is too short for the fuel savings to ever counteract the increased cost of the vehicle. You'd be far better off with a high-MPG, low cost gasoline car. You have to be pretty close to the maximum range of an electric for the math to work out. And that's putting aside the reality that,

It's really not that simple. At average residential electricity prices ($.01154/kWh in 2010), a Leaf costs approximately $2.45 per 100 km to operate. Assuming an average mix of city and highway travel and the current price of gasoline, a Ford Fusion S costs about $15.98 per 100 km. But the Leaf has an MSRP of

It's not about a redesign. It's about removing functionality or hiding it away in the hopes that people won't use it (DMs), while promoting "features" that add nothing to the user experience but contribute to the Twitter bottom line (the Dicktab, er, Discovery tab). Longtime twitter users hate it because it

My 9 year old likes taking pictures. So I should buy her a smartphone? I realize Giz writers don't have kids, but they do exist.

hy·per·bo·le, n. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally. I see five factual statements in Dave Limp's quote, all of which can be taken literally. Amazon doesn't write your articles for you via press release. Big deal.

Sorry - apparently my chart didn't show up: []

As everyone has pointed out, pH is a log scale. So let's put this in perspective by showing the relative concentrations of H+. Let's also use a pH of 0 for battery acid - a pH of 1.0 is more appropriate for sulfuric acid.

Coffee does not typically have milk. Coffee-based beverages have milk. For what it's worth, coffee has a pH of about 5, or 100 times more H+ than water.

In a few months, so why not use this app until mid-2012 (or later, more likely)?

Bill James has nothing to do with Baseball Prospectus, other than that the guys (and gal) who started BP are devotees of James' approach to baseball analysis. James published the Baseball Abstract until 1988 and currently publishes the Bill James Handbook. With that said, BP and the app are in fact great fantasy

The conspiracy here isn't apps vs web apps. It's Apple's apps vs everybody else.

No, but it hasn't gotten faster. Only Apple's own apps are allowed to get faster.

Oh, bullshit. Gruber has never in his entire life been critical in any way of anything Apple has ever done. There's a Gruber cyclical model of criticism. When Apple announces something, Gruber posts a reaction to it that is mildly critical. Then, after Apple reaches out to him, he backtracks and says Apple was

It's almost certainly going to be tied to a NYT login, so no.

Roku has it.

So if these sports have been available on Roku, what's Apple got to do with anything?

It's no more valid to judge the utility of a tablet OS based solely on the in-app experience than it is to judge it solely on the homescreen experience. There are certain aspects of iOS that are fundamentally broken, including notifications and multitasking. On the iPhone, these deficiencies are annoying. On the

It's based on a specific ISBN, and the page number the Kindle reports will be the page on which the word in the upper left of the current screen appears. For that reason, the so-called real page number will be displayed on request and will not always be visible. The view on the Kindle doesn't represent the "real"

You do realize that by complaining about the halftime show, you only ensure that the NFL will try to find someone older and whiter than Paul McCartney to perform next year, right? So do us all a favor and pretend you liked it. We won't tell.

@acjwatt: hey, that's an idea. #Apple, change the #iPad switch to produce cake on demand. I like German Chocolate.