Fuckin’ Christ, just looked that up and it's a load of crap. Could have been a strong idea but the execution was fucking lazy.
Fuckin’ Christ, just looked that up and it's a load of crap. Could have been a strong idea but the execution was fucking lazy.
I expect a little more when something is also posted to Deadspin. I understand a lot of what Gawker goes at, but the obsession with Tyga and whichever Kardashian this is, is frankly weird.
The outrage over this is exhausting. Predator? Jerry Sandusky and Jared were predators. A slight age difference? Not the same. The age of consent is what, like 15 in some states? The handwringing is just annoying, get over it.
At this point it’s a broken feedback loop. Trump talks about the need to get rid of political correctness (whether you agree or not) and then the opposition resorts to calling him racist, xenophobic, etc. This only proves him right in the mind of people who agree with him. How about keeping it to the (un)practicality…
My hot take - Trading Places is 10x the Philadelphia movie Rocky was.
“Yeungling is a local beer man!” No it’s fucking not. It might as well be in the center of fucking Kentucky.
I generally enjoy these articles, but the quality is way down this year. There’s plenty to rag on, but that’s just grossly inaccurate.
Growing up an Eagles fan is the necessary preparation I need for being mediocre throughout life. I’ll have nice, personal, victories here and there, and I’ll have some memorable moments.
learning over the course of a summer how to swim a length of the pool, or how to dive in off the blocks to be competitive in a race, or how to participate in a relay team and make the hand over correctly, how to maybe swim the breaststroke or butterfly with a legal stroke and not be disqualified, pulling off a flip…
I always vote to ditch them if asked because it’s stupid $10-20 to spend on something that will eventually end up in a landfill
No one is saying that participation is a bad thing, but should you get a trophy for just showing up and participating? Just a way for BIG TROPHY to bilk a few extra dollars out of parents.
Gabbert seems like a half decent #2 in all seriousness.
Mock drafts, yea, but fantasy football as whole is the closest thing you can get to socially accepted legal gambling so you shouldn’t be too shocked.
You do realize you’re on Deadspin right?
tier drop-offs
This post is concerning to me. Not with anything that you did, but because it seems like Charles was the top pick in a majority. Fuckin a’ I was hoping that the pre-draft ranking would hold up.