
The Fast & The Furious —> The Fast and the Furious (the title of the first film) OR Fast & Furious (the name of the franchise) - yes, it’s stupid, but The Fast & The Furious definitely isn’t any kind of thing

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It just made me feel like Lily Allen would make a phenomenal Moon Knight is all.

I have assumed from the beginning that, given the “particulars” of Moon Knight, the accent was not meant to be spot-on for a reason. After all, he’s not actually British, he’s a dude (or, one personality of a dude) who happens to think he’s British. Because I absolutely believe Isaac could nail the accent if he chose.

How online do you have to be to even understand this gibberish

It feels forced and they’re basically preaching to the choir anyway. Not a lot of RWNJ watching Trek.

Me too. I’m glad the trek teams pushed back against the network that once boasted a certain figure was bad for the country but "good for CBS."

Ito Aghayere NAILED Whoopi’s mannerisms. I was super impressed with her and hope we get more time with her.

I’m just happy to have sexy/sassy Borg queen back after all these years since First Contact. The tired “I am a BEEP BOOP goddess” schtick giving way to the old-school “I’m gonna make you so hornt you’ll beg to be assimilated” is a nice return to form.

Have you tried watching it while not being a stupid person? That would probably help.

I am a cis-gender guy who loves women but even I don’t want to know the location of a coffee shop where Oscar Isaac runs into Ethan Hawke. That would just be TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

My body is made of scars, some were done to me, but most I did to myself.

In some part of the multiverse, sure.

Only in the brains of the Sony movie execs who desperately don’t want to lose those spidey rights to Feige.

Scream promising to “subert expectations” is far too late. At this point their formula is to call out the tropes and then hang a lampshade on the whole mess.

I didn’t care for it when it was first announced, but Gunn and team did a fantastic job on Peacekeeper. Across the board, it was a great show. Very much looking forward to what they do next.

This review needs a couple or more passes on the editing.

I feel like you’re taking this more seriously than it was meant to be taken.

AV Club is too busy presenting bad takes and being angry at random stuff to do things like a TV recap.