
The movie should actually be titled Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and be as weird as possible.

Monster X? Probably fighting Mothra?

When the news broke it was literally the first question that popped into my head. I assume others were wondering the same thing.

dude, stop... 

Hell John Stewart is the only lantern I’m properly aware of because of the Justice League cartoon

What if they’re not pretending? What if a racially diverse cast of actors in a grim and gritty superhero universe with complicated ethics is something people want to see?

Dude John Stewart as been a Green Lantern since 1971.

I’m just going to assume you don’t know anything about Green Lantern.

“That means vehicles like the R34 GT-R and Integra Type-R that were reasonably priced in their day now cost upwards of three times more”

Oh well, that means Skyline GT-R R34 gonna cost 400k, while Nur version will cost 500k, and CRS version gonna cost 600k, lastly Z-Tune probably between 1.5 - 2 million

Chandler Can F*** Himself

Aside from the always online single player, the only excuse for that is blind monitization.

There are situations where I would tolerate the always online requirement, but that absolutely does not include a $60-$70 AAA game with a single player mode that doesn’t work when you’re offline.

You’re going to do another article about how they ruined the economy, right?

I haven’t been around much lately because of a lot of personal shit (short version: I’m now a widower thanks to a “non-traumatic brain hemorrhage”) but I still lurk.

I like the implication that after being completely shown up by the Krakoans last year the non-Mutants have upped their game, or at least tried to. Tony went from just the usual armor to a holo blazer. Carol and Steve actually made an attempt bless their hearts.

- They did a hell of a number on my expectations this episode. I figured in a finale anyone can die or be left behind, so between Detmer, Book, Tilly, and Vance I was shocked none of them actually bit it. I was nervous!

What exactly is your beef with Villeneuve’s attitudes here, Sam? I read his statements as an honest declaration of how seriously he takes his work. There is a weird and bullyish tone in your “article”. Inappropriate really, especially considering that Villeneuve’s Dune was an undeniable success on so many levels.

Kamala Khan is a Mary Sue to the exact extent Peter Parker is. Which is to say, she’s a relatable protagonist with a heart of gold who does dumb things and gets in trouble. I find her pretty great.

I am concerned about the change in powerset, though it’s obviously justifiable for a number of reasons (Mr. Fantastic coming soon, Inhumans the show was hot garbage, etc.). At least they are keeping some of the embiggening elements.

So, the AV Club just stopped doing this? No updates anymore? Cool. Thanks new AV Club. You’re doing great (Insert eye roll emoji here, in case my sarcasm wasn’t clear)