
The source material could make for an interesting show, but was far from impressed by Wheel of Time. It was a pleasant enough distraction though, so I’d be up for another dose of similar fluff. Also it’s always entertaining seeing internet reactionaries lose their minds when there is a couple brown people cast in a

Shoot... lost my train of thought.

Definitely listen to the person who still regularly uses the term "nothingburger"

They reported it their union oh manly 3rdshallot. 

Kind of bittersweet I guess that it’s a relief when the news is just “actors exploited and abused in the usual capitalist way.”

I gotta say, when I saw the headline, I did not expect “no piss breaks and too long shoots” being the reason. I mean, it’s still messed up and I feel for the actors, don’t get me wrong, but I was really expecting some kind of sexual assault story so uh... bullet kinda dodged?

I thought they did a really great job of leaning into how well Danner could intuitively read people and set them at ease even in potentially stressful situations— particularly Willow in her own episode, and how she was pretty irritated at some of the weird affectations of a bunch of the main potential suspects while

Somebody also pointed out an unual color wheel in one episode in which purple and green were opposites instead of purple and yellow (the usual way color wheels are), and that Yasper and Xavier were associated with the colors green and purple.

Remember how the AV Club was reviewing Fleabag and then just suddenly forgot to cover the last two episodes of the season/series?

I’m English! Thats as brazen as I get.

Forgive me. It is my last day and am feeling brazen but I never said he shouldn’t have taken the role just that he is extremely bad in it.

David Tennant was excellent as the rather obscure Marvel villain Purple Man, and Matt Smith looks like the best part of this sad attempt at an MCU adjacent project. But in truth I’m just waiting to see what villain Jodie Whitacker ends up playing 4 years from now.

This movie is going to suck.

“Exclusively April 1"


One of the first topics of conversation I bring up around people I am trying to make small talk is “When did you stop watching The Walking Dead?” The answers always fascinated me.

I’m surprised that no one has discussed that the show follows, or rather is a commentary upon, the narrative arc being a retelling of the first two Godfather movies through the lens of the Church being the mafia, with the population giving them “protection” money but in the sense that the Gemstones protect their

Hear that Clea, Strange is single again!

We also have a teaser for The Fringe, a “new cinematic universe” about asteroid miners.

I really like Cronenberg on Discovery but it always makes me chuckle from a costuming point of view that he’s still rocking a suit and tie 1200 years from now. Makes me feel like I need to be more adventurously retro  in my wardrobe choices, maybe a cape and a tunic tied at the waist?