
I gotta say, I would never pay to see this, but I would definitely watch it on a streamer. I love a good train wreck.

Dang, I thought you mean it’s teasing the next episode will be a musical.

I’m a little skeptical; given that Boba and Fennec dovetailed with Djarin at the end of Season 2 of Mando, I’m inclined to think that the events on Tatooine are running concurrently with what will be Mandalorian Season 3. The music cue is notable, but if Djarin shows up on Tatooine safe and sound, it would be a bit

I would order one in a heartbeat.

Boy, this show is really making Luke look like a racist bastard regarding the Tuskens. You just know “sand people” is their version of the N-word.

Zombie hoard? Like buried treasure?

This is a wonderfully written post and I hope that everyone reads it. I had more originally written, but it wouldn’t be as good as this post. Just read it.

I haven’t gotten to the point yet where I’m getting death-stares in public, since I just started HRT in the middle of last year, but like, it took me YEARS to get to this point because of the sheer terror of merely existing in a world where a good portion of society would love to see me end up dead in the gutter.


God, it is so stupid to name sequels the same as previous films. I understand the desire to not call it Scream 5. But you need to have something to differentiate it. It was stupid with Halloween, it was stupid with Candyman. Hell, “Screams” was right there. A fun Alien/Aliens connection, and could be stylized “Scream5"

Cypher (Doug Ramsey) is all over current X-Men comics. I remember being heartbroken when he was originally killed off in New Mutants.

I would like Cypher to return. Disclaimers:(1) I’m not a comics reader, and (2) I know Cypher was basically killed off multiple times because for some reason readers hated him, but like... I really like languages, and the idea of magically being a polyglot in every sense of the word makes me so happy. It’s

See For Me receives a C from me.

Guy who is definitely well-read on the police state just jumpin’ in to tell you copaganda is cool and has nothing to do with the police violence I am upset with. Culture and media have zero impact on the “reality rotting around” us. Sounds good!!!

The gameplay isn’t the problem.

i dont like games where power hungry cops living out their military fantasies of gunning down civilians

Seriously now — and sorry if I step on any toes here — but if and when anyone demands that Marvel stuff this genie back in its bottle, I really hope Marvel’s answer will be “Go fly a kite.”

Happy New Year, Kinja is still trash.  Sigh.

Right, but that commitment to their own text has been... to their own text. They adapted The Ladykillers and No Country for Old Men, and weren’t verbatim from the source material (though I guess No Country was relatively close). I’m not suggesting anything about improv. Just that it’s an interesting challenge for such