
Honest question that you may not know the answer to, how easy is it to tell a blank from a real bullet?  Would Alec have been even able to know what to look for?  

First of all, once the the founder decided to discuss the Blizzard scandal in a public interview, he 100% opens the door for considering his words and his staffing decisions as a leader.

Matthew McConaughey.

Baldwin is one of about a dozen producers that would’ve been credited. Producer doesn’t mean what you think it means. He was getting a producer credit because he bought the rights to the story and shopped them. He wasn’t a line producer that had any control over the set, hiring, or anything directly related to

I know it’s a little odd to offer up the Russos as an example of directors putting their own stamp on MCU films, but seriously: watch Captain America: The First Avenger, and then watch a few episodes of Arrested Development and Community (especially A Fistful of Paintballs and For A Few Paintballs More) and then go

The part about that which I find funny is people asking not to be spoiled about the rest of the story. I’m willing to put some effort in not spoiling a new movie, but I’m not going to dance around plot points from a 56-year-old novel with a movie adaptation from 37 years ago.

There’s a pocket community on the internet that is ardent in its belief that comics from the 1970's were awesome and the films should be more faithful to the source material. I read those comics, though, and most of them were nearly unreadable. If, as a director or screenwriter, you go back to that material and

Hold my spice.

Dennis Villeneuve’s non-union Mexican equivalent?

Dune dunks on the competition”

All the love I see in these comments for Chinatown Wars has done my heart good.

I saw it in an IMAX theatre with an absurdly large screen, a sound system that nearly shattered my coccyx, and 45 minutes of previews and commercials.

Yeah, someone thought of that already.

This 100000x. It’s not great, but it’s standard industry practice. That doesn’t make it right, but to single out Disney for doing what literally the entire industry has done for decades is silly. I get it. It’s fun and cool to hate on Disney because they’re the gorilla at the moment, but without a union, shareholders

No, I was just illustrating that their work is not only valuable but critical.

Yeah, the collaborative and serial nature of comics make this issue very complex.

Because this is exploitation. You can’t make demands in these contracts because they’ll just go onto the next poor soul. Obviously, these creators are extremely valuable because they still hire them.

Well that’s the thing, comic book creators don’t get a steady paycheck or a 401k. Even the big name creators. There is a reason they flock to comiccons to eek out a living. 

This dude is un-greyed and he can’t put together a coherent sentence. I’ll never understand this website and how they choose who is greyed vs. un-greyed. 

Could have kept this one in the drafts.