
I think it’s a lot less strange than going into the comments section of a show that you don’t even watch to mock the people who watch it. That speaks to some major personality defects at play. Just a really sad situation overall.

This is why I really miss going to the Alamo Drafthouse. 

to everyone in the comments confused about the ‘comeback’ thing - A. you are old, and the passage of time seems weird to you, but yes it’s been almost 10 years since he’s been in anything notable which leads me to B. a comeback doesn’t necessarily mean ‘coming back from horrible circumstances/being canceled’ it can

What’s with all the hate on Polygon? The top comment is some asshole that is sour because of *squints* *checks glasses for dirt* the fact that people work there?

Are these masked slayers part of Maggie’s crew or are they another group of antagonists for everyone to worry about? (edit: google’s my friend. Reapers. I wonder if Maggie’s masked cohort from the last season was a reformed Reaper?)

Why do you care if the movie was a financial success or not or review scores on RT? Shouldn’t it only matter what you thought about the movie? This is not a healthy way to consume media. If you don’t like the movie that’s fine. The issue is that you resort to posting hyperbolic videos nitpicking the physics of a Star

This fucking thing was in my youtube recommendations for like two years. I had no interest in watching it - because I have no interest in this hyperbolic hot-take culture-war shit - but I didn’t dare even click for a hatewatch because what recommendations would I get for two years after THAT?

Jesus I an smell cheetos through the screen just looking at the thumbnail, no thanks. 

I have seen this fucking thumbnail from this fucking asshole crop up on my YouTube recommendations so many times. SO MANY TIMES. And then for work I had to rip some Star Wars stuff and that led me to finally watching this. It was everything I thought it would be. Borderline Plinkett-but-absolutely-serious shit.

That (the holdo maneuver) blew me away. Throw in the throne room fight and the salt/red clay contrast st the end, and you wind up with one of the more visually stunning sci-fi films of the last decade or so.

Yeah I don’t really have the time or energy to sit through a YouTube video that hyperbolically calls TLJ a “Cinematic Failure” and has an innocuous picture of Holdo. I don’t want this video to fuck with my algorithm and start putting PragerU videos in my recommendations or something. I’d much rather prefer you just

I get why some people don’t like the idea of Luke considering killing his nephew when he realized he turned to the Dark Side. It’s very shocking revelation. However, it’s important to note that the moment he considered it, he immediately felt shame for what he did. But by then it was too late as Ben had seen him

The strange part is that it was the last Star Wars movie. Like, they said it was supposed to be a trilogy, but the third movie never materialized. Still, I’m pretty satisfied with the ending of TLJ.

This movie is fucking awesome and an excellent addition to the Star Wars saga.

Uh, count me in as one of the people who definitely felt like JGL went away for a bit.

I have always thought he is an interesting actor, even when he was young, so good to see him getting a quality vehicle.

As a Briton, I fist-pump this wholeheartedly.

And while I’m making trivial complaints... it’s a BIT disappointing that the GoGotron design (the Gotron made from 5 other Gotrons) looked exactly like the regular Gotron. No fun hybrid design or anything. It’s a lot to ask, but would have helped drive home the ridiculousness of a mech with 25 unique pilots.

Yes G/O Media, I am definitely going to click through 22 slides in order to read “we don’t know who is coming back to SNL next season.