
Facebook should remove posts which break their TOS. They should remove posts which break the law.

What good arguments? Ben Shapiro specializes in strawman arguments. He might be smart and quick, but he draws from an immensely biased set of data/information and just cannot handle it if you confront him with anything that actually contradicts him... which basically makes him splutter and resort to even more

Nelly became a right-wing pundit so slowly I almost didn’t notice it.

He’s an idiot’s idea of what a good debater is.

Um, no. Facebook silences conservatives.

Here is a standard Ben Shapiro argument “Well, if the earth is spinning, why aren’t I dizzy? Check mate Liberal”

Wrong NYT link.

Kang. Immortus. He Who Remains. I cheered when I saw Jonathan Majors face. Sure, we all suspected but seeing it confirmed was such a “YESSS!” moment. Sure, unexpected twists can be fun but so is delivering on foreshadowing.

his true identity is immediate and familiar—Kang.

No offense towards the new He-Man cartoon. I haven’t seen it. The writing and characters might be great. This is just about the character design. How they are drawn I’m talking about. It looks like every cartoon since the 90's. The thing lines and squared jaws. It looks so boring and typical. It turns me off. This is

Wow, does Damien Chazelle’s filmography get more insufferable or what?

That was over a decade ago, though. Apparently the Michael Cera character in the 2017 movie “Molly’s Game” about the scandal was supposed to be Tobey, but they didn’t want to get sued for libel so they didn't call the character that

He seems like more of a Banjo Confederacy type.

We’re in the middle of the Jean Smart-issance and I am living for it.

She’s great in “Hacks” also on HBO Max

All in all, the whole conversation is a somewhat bewildering response, and one that seems like it took a lot more effort to put together than it would have been to just give a simple “Hey, that’s not what I had in mind when I played it, but everyone’s allowed to take it their own way.”

The oddest part about the statement, obviously, is in the first few lines, as it’s not clear what Mackie means by “the exploitation of homosexuality,” or that “people latch on… with their own devices to make themselves relevant and rational.”

Honestly, are there any other genres of film in which actors are expected to produce, at will, a considered position on the elaborate theories that the audience have developed about the detailed backstories of the characters they are playing? Or where aficionadoes feel so strongly that the creators of the stories

I feel like what Mackie may be getting at when he is saying “the exploitation of homosexuality” is the fetishization of gay men by straight girls. If the majority of these shippers were gay guys wanting to see a gay superhero romance that would be one thing... But all the Stackie (and Stucky) shippers I see on Tumblr

Yeah, I was honestly torn on the grade. I would say it’s a B- for fans (maybe a B for someone who’s REALLY in the tank for it), a C for skeptics, averaging out to a C+ for your garden variety movie-enjoyer who might not follow the SAGA but has seen at least a few of them and had fun. I’m a fan, but not thumbs up on