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    As a counterpoint to a lot of the comments here...

    Casting news… from a BBC PR blast… is a spoiler now?

    The irony in publishing this article when io9 flat out ignores comments on every Star Trek article which say please use the international version of the trailer is...

    I wish I could understand this take but I’m a Brit, live in London, and know people with this accent soooo…

    I *hope* this means they’ll have a separate app, rather than this still appearing in the AppleTV interface.

    So this is the last Good show on Netflix?

    One of the best season finales I’ve seen, really. I still get a bit emotional thinking about it.

    Guys will you *ever* use an international trailer for Star Trek?

    Asking for more characters seems a bit... eesh... considering.

    I’m English and I’ve heard both, lots as a kid tbf.

    Will Thurber be the person to finally get all five lions into one?”

    Consider a world where Morbius is... a good film?

    There aren’t that many active superheroes of that are women in the Universe. So maybe, actually? 

    This feels a bit mean spirited, you know? :/

    “The EU was good, actually” endgame has finally arrived.

    I actually choked on my breakfast over here, so thanks for that!

    “Why you should give your life to an advertising company”

    This is definitely one of those features where if it was Apple, it would say “like Android has had for years” appended to the title.

    The kept Clone Wars, they kept Rebels. These were Very Good.

    I... would watch a Tyler voice Pooh movie you know...