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    I’m just here to plant my flag for Drive My Car. Astounding filmmaking. He had a helluva year!

    “In a world where Luke does not have the structure of the Jedi Order to fall back on—even though, as we learn, he has made an acquaintance in Ahsoka Tano, someone who could very easily tell him the warts and all detailing of the Order as it was—how else would he teach if not as he was taught himself?”

    I’m basically in the ‘cool interlude’ camp of what this show is/is not, which is fine with me.

    If you keep the Chicago staff I’ll sign up I swear just leave him outta this, ok?

    I do you could quite easily have the reason that Krakoa emerges being the blip causing a spike in the Mutant gene and them feeling they need to address it.

    Genuinely didn’t realise Snowpiercer was back already! Been a lovely surprise so far, hope this season keeps it up.

    Hi, erm. Is this missing an episode grade or is Kinja-?

    ikr. I know the OP is right but would they say no to the box?

    I’m enjoying these points but Snowpiercer is literally a page to screen adaptation…

    I’ve seen nothing but universal praise for this show and loved the first three episodes. Strange to think that Hiro probably directed the last pandemic hospital scene just before the actual pandemic. The next episodes were filmed during which in a weird way I’m looking forward to.

    Gutted you’re going Charles, I always looked for your byline here! Looking forward to seeing you wherever you land next.

    I came here for this. Growing up on JCVD films this was a revelation! More people need to see it.

    I’m going to come back to this, but can’t lie... I added to those completion rates by falling asleep 20mins in and waking up for the episode three credits :/

    My thoughts exactly. Went to the site/downloaded the AppleTV app and... yikes?!

    Obviously will return once I’ve seen but lovely to see Caroline on the reviews!!

    Vulture have been covering this noting that an alternate title could be “everyone is spiralling” and well... yup.

    And perhaps, a Foundation?

    Ha I actually wrote some solid criticisms of the show but deleted it once the episode ended because hey. Phara deserved to go down with her own bow. I actually really enjoy the show. It’s somehow appointment viewing for me.

    Hour for hour, if you took the best, say, 40 hours of each universe - they compare more evenly in entertainment.

    I too, am still enjoying the series. It’s shot composition alone is truly outstanding. And sound design. And Lee Pace. And the story.