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    This is a very weird angle for an article but google maps has had those notifications forever? I use all three fairly frequently and made me raise an eyebrow.

    The episode of Mythic Quest that aired last night was an all timer and its a shame it ain’t covered week to week here. (Same with For All Mankind, tbh).


    As far as I know, Disney doesn’t do that at all. Their whole strategy is just hoovering up IP.”

    Dropping filed by season… sigh. This makes as much sense as the io9 redesign which removes chronological articles.

    I see what you mean, but that wasn’t a sustainable business.

    “But almost everybody agrees the writing is bad Sorkin-wannabe, duplicating all his worst tics with none of his talent

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they sent screeners without subs but either good to know (:

    The Daily Mail is weapons grade shite and as bad as it gets. But it’s Harmsworth and Dacre you have to blame for that. The Sun/The Times are the Murdoch rags over here.

    Ok. I’ll bite.


    Unsure the person who missed the point of FAWS is the person to review more black written content idk…

    Nolan needs an editor is... a take.

    idk you’ve done a Pitchfork and ignored Sault.

    I don’t even remember Lupita’s character’s NAME. The movie failed to get me to care about her.

    It’d be illuminative if you could articulate why?

    This is the kind of bad faith article that Giz is known for, but not io9.

    I kinda get it.

    See I saw that intro ala Rogue One...

    I think the Brits might disagree here. As we aggressively try to shun your food produce :/