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    Occasionally I comment on this kind of thing because it’s baffling to me.

    Quick. Bites. Of content.

    I remember people saying GoT was unfilmable way back when, and GRRM alluding to such yet...

    I enjoyed it, tbh. I think some went into it trying to solve it, but it isn’t that kind of film. An open mind/big screen sorta film, and that isn’t shade  

    This is the best format for streaming TV, I think.

    I’ll have more thoughts later but THANK YOU for reviewing this, Ashley. I’ve found your commentary a damn site better than the majority of the British coverage for this show, and it seems you’ve tried hard to not think this show is American just because it airs on HBO (seen many fall into this trap).

    I *really* wish I didn’t believe everything Giz writes about Apple isn’t exactly tainted by when you were taken to court for handling stolen goods.

    Nothing Kwame does in “Would You Like to Know the Sex” makes sense and the show doesn’t offer much justification for his attempt to reconcile with the woman he slept with.

    Came here for this comment... AVC are still reviewing this?

    I mean I can’t really pretend I’m not interested in a film with these two in so yeah. Curious.


    Totally with you here. There are some slight UX tweaks that’d be great to show more information without having to find the pre airs.

    Right. Runner here. Jogger. Whatever. Happen to be black, etc.

    Now I really want to see... Batmen who could play Daredevil: Ranked!

    Didn’t another writer in the kinjaverse bat for Delores quite hard. As in ‘might be the best hope for humanity’ - so idk it wasn’t really that left field.

    Honestly, I thought the season and finale worked.

    HBO has not come to play. Super excited for Insecure!

    You’re not going to catch the ‘rona going for a run assuming you keep out of coughing distance of anyone.