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    My bad :)

    But if the company wants to be bought out... and the devs want to work for Apple?

    Is it weird to say this is my absolute favourite piece of DC media? This and Watchmen (HBO) have been excellent.

    I logged in just to star this... and my stars aren’t working :(

    I... don’t get this. How are you here without expecting that? 

    Is there any recommended reading on this? Super curious but I absolutely do not watch YouTubers explain things...

    Counterpoint - I don’t think Discuss could have handled what went down on Jezebel way back when. Thus, GMG use it.

    “Between the reception to this and other similarly divisive films/tv has me thinking more about how European and American audiences still react so differently to different media..

    I honestly knew American’s wouldn’t really understand this show. Give it a chance, people.

    I logged in and starred just so your mims reference got more cred.

    “Owens was originally put on blast by the Daily Mail, a British rag that traffics in useless celebrity gossip”

    Ohh I’d love for this not to be grey considering the author isn’t here anymore :(. Kinjaaaa.

    I find it interesting that this suddenly came up in the sidebar for me. I was thinking the other day about how I thought American’s generally didn’t interpret this in the same way as the Brit’s did.

    I’m slowly realising this is a year long project to get the Grammy. It’s good music, and good videos, actually Jay’s most interesting music since the Black Album.

    I find it really interesting that some American commentary describes Black Mirror as ‘anti technology’ when the British press rarely do. Perspective I guess.

    I’m just here to ask if there are any members of the Church here?

    all the stars!

    You clearly have never watched HBO’s The Leftovers.