
Driver seat looks goo. So, I’m sold. Why no mention of how easy these cars are to convert to run on waste veg oil? I had 50,000 greasy miles on my 86 300SDL before I sold it. Nothing like the smell of french fries coming out of your tail pipe.

So, let me get this straight. The drivers took 1-2 and Mercedes won the constructors. Neither driver took the other out all season (unlike last season). And Toto thinks now is the perfect time to put out some ultimatum after the season is over? The best racing we’ve seen in the last 2 years was between these two. This

Read carefully, the Apple site says a COMBINED 25 hours. Not an extra 25 hours.

Wait, 25 hours of talk? I knew the Apple battery life was shit in the previous generation — and I know this from walking through the airport and seeing the tangle of white cords at any of the charging stations. But, this new gen must also be horrible if an EXTRA battery only gets you to 25 hours.

It’s very easily for something like this to happen. Early cars in the run group cut the left hander and spray mud all over the entry to the corner. Add in some off-camber tarmac and everyone in the trees.

Serious question — what power to weight ratio and/or price point make it a super car?

Forget 1psi, the problem was that his washer fluid tank was empty. Totally upset the handling and forced him into the armco.

I’m guessing every other line of the pace notes includes “slippy” and “jump.”

I’m wrestling with this very decision right now. I’ve been tracking my DD. And I got the green light to buy a full on track car. I can’t stomach the idea of spending half (more?) of my budget on a truck and trailer. That’s the difference between having a miata and a 996 as my track car.

Agreed, the water isn’t a huge deal. It’s really just a gauge of efficiency. The real benefit of the flat plate heat exchanger to me is the time savings. My Therminator can chill 200F beer as quickly as I can pump beer through it. If the water is cold enough, I use about 8 gallons of water to chill 5 gallons of beer.

There are some DIY counter flow chiller designs using garden hose with copper tubing inside of it. But, its only slightly more efficient than the immersion chiller.

These types of chillers are absurdly inefficient. Try measuring the amount of water that you run through it to cool down some liquid and you’ll probably never use it again. Depending on the temp of your tap water, you might be using 10 times more water than the volume of liquid you are cooling. Flat plate heat

You either don’t drink beer or you drink some shit beer. And yes, that includes Stella and Corona.

I had this thing for about 2 months before the battery died.

I had this thing for about 2 months before the battery died.

This just spurred an idea.. How about I ask “What beers do you have that don’t advertise during the SuperBowl?”

That’s putting A LOT of faith in a bar tender’s personal preference.

I always have a hard time with this one... How do I ask the bartender what QUALITY beers they have without sounding like an ass. The first 30 seconds of their response usually consists of two dozen variants of the same shitty 3 beers that I don’t need to make them waste their time listing.

Agreed. If only I could get over its looks... Oh, and that Chevy badge.

I’m not sure she weighs enough to be able to do a shove-it on a board with batteries!

I did the biggest double take when I saw that graphic. It brought back memories of replacing a CV joint in my girlfriend’s dad’s driveway. I had the little bastard sitting on the OEM jack stand with about 6 feet of pipe on the breaker bar in order to get enough leverage to break the hub nut loose. 20 years later, I