
Oh, I get it now. Your lack of fenders and mud flaps isn't about being a inconsiderate dickhead. You're actually doing a public service by teaching everyone about safe travel distances. Carry on!

Tailgate? You're probably peppering cars 50 feet behind you.

Get some fenders and mud flaps. Everyone that has ever driven behind you, hates you.

Ha, I have one of these in my basement. Never expected to see it pop up here!



There are about 10 breweries right on the heels of Heady Topper. It will be remembered fondly as the first truly wonderful west coast style DIPA made in the East. If I where the owner, I'd be either blowing this thing out under a contract brew and making 10x the beer or jacking up the price. The demand will not last

Does the fuel capacity get a bump up in the wagon version over the standard Gulf. My wife just test drove the Gulf TDI and it was a little disappointing to hear that it was fitted with a smaller thank than the previous gen Jetta TDI — even tho the new gen Gulf and the prev gen Jetta are both on the same frame.

Not all the teams seem to be running them yet. I saw more sticks in Monte than I saw paddles.

I think the photographer was trying to get the old haggard version to photobomb.

At least its warm in there.

I love the pricing structure. Heck, make a Top 10 appearance free for the first day and $100k/wk thereafter.

Sure, you'll totally remember to erase well before you have ink all over you...

Now tell us how the marker's ink doesn't come off and end up all over you when you fold the thing up or carry it.

Stang is hardly a fail. Just be sure to get the 4-cyl ecoboost instead of the V6 fleet car.

I see a little vinegar+water solution bubbling up from your comments... a BWM might be in your future. Go drive the ATS and stop with all this perception BS.

Session IPAs tend to be a horrible value. All Day is just as expensive as their proper IPAs. Yet, it has half the malt and relatively fewer hops.

I suspect they are attempting to make the can seem as convenient to the the average beer that drinks from a bottle. Think about it — the last time most people bought a can, it was a Guinness that said "pour me into a glass immediately or you will get a cold sore on your lip."

This is the kind of rep that is going to come back to bite the future value of any of his cars. I'd sooner buy a blood diamond!

Where was that Jalopnik post?