
Your gif doesn't capture the subtle "no — don't do it" head shake that JZ gave KW.

The ALL CAPS website is killing me.

The ALL CAPS website is killing me.

Aww come on! According to Call of Duty, you're supposed to hit the ramp at full throttle.

Man, the guy in the GTR must have been so happy that he didn't turn off his Asshattery Active Assist. It would have surely gone into the wall without it.

Now playing

This isn't so much as a build quality test as it is "Let's See What it Takes to Kill a W124." The other 3 parts are on The You Tube.

When people talk about German build quality, this is what they're talking about.

Forgery aside, I absolutely ADORE the idea that the kid is the only one to smile at the car. It's so quick you might miss it. Everyone else looks like they are witnessing some sort of depraved sexual act.

No, find a more arid dessert. Something that more resembles a dry lake bed. Snickerdoodle?

If I bought one I would probably have to replace the tires around the same interval as the motor oil.

When I heard that, I started to wonder if they just wanted an "oem track tire" so that they could log a great time at the next track day show down. I recall one last year where that fancy track-ready Camaro whooped cars 3 times the price because it was shod in racing compound out of the box.

BRAKE DUCTS???!!! The real question is what is the likelihood of me fitting this bumper cover (and its ducts) on my ST?!

No hood vents? PASS!

60 gal setup here! :)

If there is ANY off-gassing of CO2, the beer is not ready to bottle. So, the airlock should be fully resting FLAT on the stem. Taking a hydrometer reading is the best way to verify that fermentation is finished.

NO SOAP! Do not clean anything that touches beer with soap! Use unscented Oxyclean or an oxygenating cleanser. Soap kills head.

And it would be a 5-gallon setup!

Get yourself a "bottling wand" for filling. The most likely scenario for the flat beer is that you didn't have it warm enough for the yeast. The bottles need to be at 70F for 2 weeks to fully carbonate.

It seems to me that it would be a real struggle to decide how hard you want to push the car in its first race. If memory serves, the 6s were both DNF'd last year before I finished my Start of Race Nachos. Given that, is the team placing a high priority on a finish? What's the team's goal for the race?

What will it take for Mazda to actually sell a diesel car in the US?