
The Audi and the MS3 both get extra points for their ability to carry a set of track tires/wheels.

The right answer would have been, "I would love to have Jules as my teammate next year."

Ahh, so now I understand your need for a manual tranny.

Does it just slice or is there a french fry attachment too?

It looks like someone gave it a fat lip. But, BROWN!

There is a VW Gulf somewhere with your name on it.

Diesel, wagon, brown, I get all that. But, the idea that every car must come in manual is tiring. After a run of 10+ manual cars in my life, I have finally come to the realization that my next new car is going to be auto.

Manual shifting is over rated these days. "Computer is faster than you. Can you confirm you understood that message?" [Bad F1 joke.] Plus, you have the added benefit of having both hands on the wheel. Join us in the 21st century, Jalop! I have 25 years of car ownership under my belt, all being manual. I've finally

Still rocking the Sync, huh Ford?

ANOTHER new grill pattern? Personally, I'm waiting for the paisley version before I pull the trigger.

Did you ever see a car and know that some day you will own one? Just happened to me.

This is the LAST hard top I would try this in. Look at that A-pillar! Three kids in my home town died in a Saab after they flipped it and the roof collapsed. I drive by their road-side memorial every day.

Do I get any extra credit for knowing the wheel is a BBS RK?

I would have preferred if he used his car to stop the Bronco and let the cops beat the crap out of OJ.

It blows my mind that they haven't figured out that all these badges create confusion in the marketplace and water down the significance of the truly special ones.

There's still time for that. Based on recent history, there should be about 1,000 different badges for the Mustang by the end of the first production year.

If there is one thing that makes me leery about a used car ad, its the liberal use of detail slime on the engine bay. That being said, I love this thing!

Everyone is a little too far away from the car. Makes me think they are a little worried about it going BLAMMO (technical term).

Wait, I think I figured it out. Block must have been docked points for that driving suit of his.