
Looking forward to upper decking this joint.

Along those same lines, I will never wrap my head around people that spend $8 or more on a six of Corona.

All the macro brews tie for last place.

Prism is far from amazing. Very far.

Canada? Beer? Wake up, man. Your beer is piss. And overpriced piss at that!

Actually, you can put these beers in two different classes based on one simple fact: Yuengling is made from corn and rice as it's base malts. Sam Adams is made with barley.

I patented the thumbs up for asshattery years ago. Credit me!!

Great suggestion. If only it came in another format besides 750ml.

Now playing

I'll leave this right here for anyone that hasn't seen it.

My 86 300SDL was the best car I ever worked on. Once you got the wheel off, you could change the brake pads with just a fucking screwdriver! Heck, I think you could be done with a pocket knife. There was never a situation where I found myself saying, "how the fuck do I get a wrench on that bolt head?" I saw a video of

Exactly! They're going to pass messages along it code like they already do about strategy: Alonso is faster than you, Multi 21...

I have a fist full of free oil change vouchers from my Focus ST. Let me know if you want them. You have to drive to Jersey.

Ahh, it just struck me that this thing was probably chosen because it eats gravel traps for breakfast.

I was particularly pleased to see Daniel step on the neck of Seb with that heads up pass — and then run off into the sunset. Not such a great move to pit so early, eh Rocky?

This place makes everyone a Ferrari fan. If you only knew F1 from what is broadcast on Sky F1, you'd think Ferrari won every race that was ever run. Oddly enough every race shown this week had Ferrari on the top step.

I think it's a little early to be writing off Ferrari as a engine supplier half way thru the first season with this radically different formula. Previous gen Ferrari customers did relatively well. In some cases out performing Ferrari! I hope then ink some sort of co-venture with Ferrari. Disclaimer: my recent Ferrari

I think the steering rack is out of alignment! HA HAA

Wait, were there 4 people in the bug that flipped? After watching the whole thing I have to qualify WHICH flipping bug... the first one. I like the dude that got out after the bump to exchange insurance cards or something.