Freddy Rumsen

I've always respected Temple of Doom for not being a typical shit sequel. It didn't just try and rehash the original. It was shit for other reasons. But it's also why I've never much cared for Last Crusade. It's clear that the lesson they learned from Temple of Doom is "go back to Nazis," etc. It's fine, but nothing I

My wife's from Wisconsin, which makes jokes both easy and complicated. Now we live far enough from the Upper Midwest that our defensiveness sort of blurs together.

Back in the '80s, all that the distinctive Hard Rock t-shirts signified to me was what cities the wearer had visited. New York or San Francisco was pretty cool, London was way cool. On a trip to East Asia, all the kids wanted to drop by the Hard Rock Tokyo and Hong Kong to get the shirts (I got mine!), but we didn't

I thought the show had gone off the rails in season three and was mostly hating season four. A show that had been so generous to its characters in season one just had to punish, punish, punish everyone in every way possible. Mostly hating turned into total hate with this episode and I stopped watching altogether,

Hicks' and Newt's plane went down over the sea of Japan. There were no survivors.

Jesse's the moral compass that, despite getting smashed over and over again keeps somehow creeping towards north. Walt's driven to his fate, Jesse's dragged to his, but Jesse somehow escapes. So glad they didn't kill him off first season as planned.

Most civil wars are, ultimately, about resources. If too many people don't have access to the resources and they don't have much to lose, taking up arms to take it by force starts to make sense.

No, they wouldn't go north, they'd run east to, um…

Yeah, this being AHS I was pretty surprised to not learn that it was Mengele who had cut off Elsa's legs, or Goebbels on that toilet, or a quick shot of who was watching the film all the way in Vienna.

Great. Now I want to see Poussey and Tastee summarizing an episode of AHS.

Any of the Skarsgårds would have a blast on this show, but not as a one-off gag, I think.

Happiest man alive? I think he'd already partaken and was delighted to have it all in one package.

Mostly miserable and banal as I lived it, but yeah, some weird, weird shit snuck through.

I'd been not liking the show very much for a while until that episode turned me to actively hating it. Just an ugly, ugly episode. The whole tone of the show shifted 180 in the third and fourth seasons.

I still have an old Pop Will Eat Itself t-shirt in a box somewhere ("Sample It, Loop It, Fuck It and Eat It"). Unfortunate white-boy dreads, yes, but some good tunes in there.

I saw them twice, excellent shows both. Missed them on their final tour for a dumb reason, not knowing at the time, of course, that it was the last. They could work a room a lot better than you'd think.

And their hit single "I Want It That Way" is about anal sex. Not many people know that.

Hodgman's been rockin' that mustache for about three years angling for a role like this. No lines (yet!), but he gets to add Soderbergh to his CV.

Exact same machine. They killed the Centris line about two months after the 660av came out so they just promoted it to Quadra.

I borrowed that 5 or 7 disc version of Riven from a friend about 15 years ago. I played it for maybe an hour and gave up. I still have it in a box; he never asked for it back.