
Trying to anticipate the “most popular” commentary and being the first to post it, plus “following” the trendiest (read cliched) Points of View are simply not worth getting ‘blacked’ and attempting to stay that way. There is nothing revolutionary/original in the majority thinking here. I will continue to read ALL of

“Eh, I wouldn’t be so sure any hateful comments are coming from the left—-we’re a fairly empathetic bunch,”

Taking the high road gets you nothing except being trampled upon.

Anyone with a heart should feel for the families of the dead black teenagers that Bolling and Fox News used as punching bags repeatedly. Just because Bolling’s kid couldn’t handle his drugs doesn’t mean that anyone should be in sackcloth and ashes.

Tamir Rice was 12. But he was black and his parents weren’t Fox News trolls.

It is sad when someone’s son dies.

My thoughts and prayers are for the families of the black teenagers that Eric Bolling did not give a shit about when they were murdered.

Eric Bolling did not recognize this fact when black children were being lost to police and “neighborhood watch” violence. In fact he spent many many hours on a very public platform saying how much these kids deserved to die.

He was 19 years old and an adult capable of making his own decisions. And one of his decisions was to shoot heroin. I have about as much sympathy for Bolling’s sorrow as he had for the parents of Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, etc., etc., etc.

Correction: alleged crimes.

Even in a Trump child discussion thread, Tiffany gets no respect.

What a surprise! The first comment isnt someone wishing condolences for this death, but some idiot talking about trolling. You people make me sick, a kid is dead and apparently its okay because his father was on fox news.

even trumps?

Now playing

This just makes me miss Mel Brooks’ take on racism.

It’s likely the same reasons any undercover agent does anything: to get to the head honcho and gather evidence to take everyone down.

Frankly, this sounds awesome. The best way to annoy white supremacists and Klan Kandidates is to public mock them. Nothing defuses their appeal more than well-aimed ridicule. Luckily, the people they rally against - blacks, Jews, and Catholics - are highly skilled in the dark arts of crippling sarcasm and parody.

Reminds me a little bit of Stetson Kennedy who infiltrated the clan and gave all their super secret bullshit to the writers of Superman who then made the clan of the firey cross the enemy of Superman.

Whaaaat. Get Out was great!

Title is wrong. Shirley Temple won one, all the way back in 1934. Should be “first female director.”