
Still haven’t corrected it.

*Reads first sentence of article*


Oh yeah. Jerks never get dates.

Do people who watch this show have any interest in “very real tragedy”?

Everybody loves an outlaw.

Several centuries?

Neither do I.

“This stupid show has been on for six years? I’ve never even heard of it.”

The way Hollywood operates you’d think they are only interested in profits and don’t actually give a damn about your literary preferences or your disgust for remakes.


Not surprising, since Christians comprise roughly 70% of the US population.

It’s called branding, babe.

Actually, most people use YouTube. But Spotify is rapidly gaining ground.

“So nobody wants to pay for music or movies...”

something... something... Burt Ward

I hate to burst your bubble, but having a husband/boyfriend/partner is no guarantee that you won’t die alone.

Can you please cram some more ads into this lame excuse for an article?

In the old days, bands did all that touring BEFORE they got the record deal. (If they were lucky enough to even get one.) It was called “paying your dues”.