Clueless wankers who think money can buy hipness... Enjoy the show, dummies!
Clueless wankers who think money can buy hipness... Enjoy the show, dummies!
You expect Jezebel writers to know anything about pop music history before 1990? Dream on.
It’s the simple pleasures that make life worthwhile.
I guess you weren’t here when Chuck Berry died — since every other comment covered exactly that topic.
Seriously? Why do you care what a troll like Watters thinks? And why do you take his statements at face value?
Hitler was someone too.
You’re questioning the moral integrity of the music industry?
Lionsgate, Sony Pictures, Columbia, Tri-Star, Warner Brothers...
What do you mean with no direct help from Hollywood? Who do you think has been distributing his films for the past 40 years? How do you think his movies end up playing in your local multiplex?
So... no more Jezebel articles?
Why should Bernie care? Like you said, it’s not his party.
The real ding dongs are the people who expect movie actors to be intelligent, articulate, progressive role models.
She married him in the first place. How pissed could she be?
Stay classy, Boston.
Whether or not humans are “endangered” is irrelevant.
“Human life isn’t sacred anymore.”
So it’s better to be subtle about being anti-woman? Like Jezebel?