
but when they are, oh boy they are

isn't this the kind of laws that anti porn feminists want?

its always ok until they commit a murder suicide and then its tragic

Why can't schizophrenic delusions ever be nice and nonviolent

American ideals and morals account for dick and when the Chinese take over we won't even be having these conversations

there is no right and wrong. My family survived through a genocide. My father watched multiple mass executions outside of his house. US warships hung out in the ocean to make sure no one (the Russians) could intervene in the slaughter. I'm only out here for myself and my family. This country and its ideals mean

easy solution. but both people in the room with the pet and a notary. Have them both call the pet at the same time. The person to whom the pet comes to first is the person who gets the pet ED: Also the solomon solution. If you can't decide, split the pet in half

The better america for whites is the one where opportunities and wealth are concentrated in the hands of whites. The more fairness there is, the more there's competition for economic opportunities, and the more leniency there is for crimes committed by members of the dominant group. I'm not racist (i'm asian

what about white people wake up and realize that white privilege benefits them and maybe it's in their best interest to keep it around

I mean yeah, we're dumb and foolhardy and take a lot of risks. I personally didn't feel comfortable with myself as a man until I started playing rugby and risking my body and my brain every day. When I wanted to learn how to skateboard in high school I fucking did that, by skateboarding down this huge winding hill

he's kind of sexist and homophobic

So can we deport some felons or do we have to keep all of them?

yeah chardonnay hand sounds awesome. Monocles? Awesome. Having loads of money and power and institutional advantages? Awesome. Getting married to your second cousin? Awesome

another influential black democrat is a rapist? Quelle surprise!

what're you gonna do about it?

all ads have to correspond to feminist standards… "The ugly duckling myth is sentimental. It may soothe the memory of social rejection, but it falsifies the experience, evades its cruelty and uselessness. High school permanently damaged my self-esteem. I learned what it meant to be impotent; what it meant to be invisible. None of

she's a woman, she's not going to do anything

give the guy a break. he walked in on his girlfriend murdered by a serial killer. If some shit like that happened to me and i found a body like that i don't think i would ever use grammar again, because what would be the point

It must suck to be a famous woman and have all these people constantly expecting you to adhere to contradictory and ambiguous codes of conduct. Nobody expects male rappers to do this ever.