
I had some splotches like that and they itched so I started putting tinactin on them and they stopped itching

To reiterate there are many feminist websites on the internet and many of them don't have nakedly sensationalistic gawker media ethos shoehorned in between traditional feminist stuff

What about the rapists, the molesters and the creeps (all of whom abound apparently)? Do they have morals and boundaries?

It's hard for me to think about beatles having the agency to want or not want something

The women there gave him the worst job because he's prob the only one who can wade through all this stuff and not get triggered or whatever

Isn't that like the entire business model of gawker media??

"some" humans have the ability to empathize and construct moral boundaries for behavior

"If we don't write about things they don't happen, esp things that I don't believe are okay"

That does not look at all consensual

That's the kind of problem that we in the computer science line of work refer to as intractible. I don't believe there's a way to screen for aggressiveness of worse traits without like some real hardcore genetic testing and modification

I'll take like 5. I need more unconditional live in my life and also I've had one for years and she's really been no more complicated to take care of than a houseplant. Just feed, water and clean up after

You are 100% responsible for the way that you intepret the texts someone else provides. That's like a basic result of even the slightest bit of thought about realities of structural violence and racism. The fact that you refuse your share of that collective responsibility to give creedence to the viewpoints of the

dude i've taken like at least one gender and sexuality studies course. I know a lot about saartje baartman. As for reading the article, that's for chumps. but comparing her to kim kardashian in this cavalier, generalized manner seems like so reductive it actually hurts a little

So what you're saying is that Kim K did not agree to this photoshoot, and in fact she was coerced by white dudes to take photographs in this manner? She in no way was fulfilling ambition or calculating to acquire more publicity or minting herself into an icon?

I was under the impression that Americans believed somehow that their country has better ideals and reason for existing than saudi arabia. I may, however, be wrong.

I'm an English major. If I want to speak in a manner that's considered hegemonically proper I can. It's what I do when I talk to superiors and businessmen. I choose not to write "properly" when I am anonymous on the internet because I disagree that "proper" language in any way enhances the conveyed message. Instead

As a non-Christian, I agree with evangelicals who say that America is a Christian nation. All of us who were raised in other faiths will never truly feel at ease in this country.

good luck with that. I mean like there was one time when one of my close friends friends from home came and one of them kept trying to put this girl i like on his lap and she was clearly not about it. I didnt do anything about it and it bugged my conscience for years. I was drunk the other day and asked my friend

its cause men can beat other men up and kill them and women cant

I believe you. and fuck anybody who doesnt