My first thought was I don't want to live in a world where there are no honey bees. A little too Blade Runnerish
Probably just a coincidence, but this reminded me of the infamous "Daisy" ad of the `60s.
One of my all-time favorite jokes was told by Mort Sahl about Von Braun. In 1960 a biographical film about Von Braun was released titled "I Aim for the Stars." Sahl remarked that it should have been called, "I Aim for the Stars But Sometimes Hit London."
"Hacker Sander"? Are other characters named Dash Riprock and Beef Jerky?
I just finished the audio version read - with meta-irony - by Wil Wheaton. Highly recommended.
You're a braver soul than I, Sir or Madam. if you find a fox gnawing on your shoe "awesome."
Fascinating. Thanks for posting that, Chris
"in which the main character just randomly hates Africans and African Americans.."
"The question will be how far will they get..."
If you mean "hemorrhoids." whole-heartily agree
"They promised us jetpacks and instead we got 140 characters." Personally, I'd rather have the jetpack.
"...Authors that people would like to see receive a movie treatment include Octavia Butler, Isaac Asimov, Iain M. Banks, Piers Anthony, Frederik Pohl and many others."
The Rolling Stones. 'Nuff said,
Tritto. I call shenanigans
Me, I'd kill the host. "I don't believe in the no-win scenario."
Mines says "How to Train Your Drag," which I thought might feature RuPaul
Interesting that GRRM has yet again changed his story about whether the book that eventually became "Dance" was finished or not when "Crows" was published. He's said everything that the book was finished but the combined Crows/Dance was too long to publish to that after the publication of "Crows" he decided to junk…
He's Luke's father