Fred Smith

The whole “Star Wars is just a ripoff of Hidden Fortress” thing is made by people who’ve never seen Kurosawa’s film.

The camera showed his face in an extended close up as he lined up the kick. It was a weird shot to last so long in an NFL broadcast. You could clearly see him practicing the kick in his head, and it really looked like he was overthinking it.

The Panthers have partied like they are globe trotting over the League’s Finest. Instead, they have been bottom feeders with one of the weakest schedules available.

Great, thanks! You’re an idiot.

So what, the Panthers are 13-1 and the Giants are like undefeated in games that lasted 58 minutes?

When people say the NFL thrives on gambling, what does that mean in terms of numbers? Simply that it increases viewership, and therefore TV rights and ad sales? Shared revenue is like $6 billion, right? If the gambling goes away, how much lower does that number get?

It’s always depressing when old dudes still do drugs. Like when John Entwistle OD’ed on coke at age 57. It’s just sad to think of a guy that age still binging on the stuff.

Brown. Paper. Bag.


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Adele sounded great, although she wasn’t by any means pitch perfect. She’s a fantastic singer who really comes into her own when she moves into belting terrain. But unlike the worst belters, she’s got range and a moderate flexibility.

You can set aside the needless talk of race when it comes to Cam. That’s become a tired form of intellectual minstrelsy as deluded as the “pearl-clutching” that you are deriding.

“No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy,” as the saying goes. She got punched in the face hard for the first time. After that, it was all over except the crying (and the kick to the neck).

Meanwhile, the rolling Humblebrag that is Pamela Druckerman’s NYT column featured a bunch of tone-deaf navel-gazing about the horror of having a Parisian dinner party interrupted:

So Tillman dies, and immediately, Otto starts poaching his records?

No workplace is ever suited to deal with this shit. The NFL just has no business sitting there trying to sort out what happened in Greg Hardy’s bathroom. No one on this transcript comes out looking good.

Elvis Mitchell rightly pointed out the influence of Heat on Infernal Affairs when it first came out. Every time American Yakuza comes on, I think that dipshit film had to have been a partial inspiration for Infernal Affairs as well.

Sam Mendes’s Skyfall was one of the best Bond movies ever made...

Believe me, I know how much Deadspin obsesses about Grantland, which I’ve never understood. But that’s beside the point. My question is whether there’s sportswriters in print journalism that Deadspin doesn’t think is a hack.

I had a similar reaction to the take on Simers, who I’ve never heard of, because it just seems like every print columnist that Deadspin writes about is a “hack”. I wonder if there are any sportswriters that you guys actually like?

This dude needs to get over himself.