
The opening hours of the game are very cut scene and narrative-heavy? FUCK YEAH.

Headline will be out of date in three...two...

Is Konami selling a DLC “backlight” that makes Circle of the Moon playable?

These alone were worth buying a GBA for. Amazing games.

It’s quantum in that it will both exist and not exist until you open the box... At which point it will definitively not exist!

I guess my brain decides it’s just an 8 legged mouse of some kind and stops worrying about it.

Idk, I just get sort of tired of these hipstery, “Well I for one am NOT excited for the new consoles, so there!” takes. Like, cool, good for you? I guess I can consider the parade rained upon?

The load times are a huge improvement. Though right now I’d say it’s more of a QoL improvement than a literal game changing feature. Although that could change. The trailers we’ve seen for the new Ratchet & Clank seem to be leveraging the quick loading to actually make a meaningful change in how the game plays.

I’d defend the One X because it finally differentiated the One enough to make it viable to some people who were open to getting an Xbox while fixing the original ‘box’s issues (4K bluray player, looked nice and small, quiet, well built, great controller, etc.), but the PS4 Pro was the one that felt...just

Sorry but Demon’s Souls on PS5 sort of shatters this whole argument. As someone who’s had a PS4 Pro for a couple years, it’s absolutely mind-blowing. Youtube videos really don’t do any justice to the experience of playing a game with that level of detail and advanced lighting at a silky smooth 60fps. When I first

Did I stutter!?!?!?!

More than... one game? What... wait... Next thing you’re going to tell me is that I don’t have to buy a new jacket every time I get cold!

replying to the grey...

Speaking of things that suck, losing another editor this week really, really sucks. It doesn’t sound like Natalie is getting an exit post so uh, I guess this’ll do.

Shake your head all you want, but there was no argument about it. No controversy. Only a brief discussion. Oh and it was her idea.

Gotta try to be a voice of reason, even if no one listens.

Your thoughtful and informative take has no business being so far down in the comments. 

As funny as this meme is, most of the time presenters are dusted with powder makeup to remove natural skin oil shine. If they recorded at home, which is likely, they probably didn’t have the necessary makeup artist on-site to prep them for the recording, so they end up looking shiny.  We all look shiny, we just have

Man you made me laugh so hard. 

The new “king” mon looks wayyyyyyyyyyy too dopey to get so much screentime devoted to showing how mystical it is.