
It’s important to note at this point that not only were we disappointed to not deliver the OST with the launch of the CE, we needed to be mindful of consumer protection laws in many countries that allow customers to demand a full refund for a product if a product is not delivered on or about its announced

Find my lost kitties is definitely padding.

There’s padding absolutely everywhere in FFVIIR. The boatload of tight spaces that require you to slow down and squeeze through gaps. The many times you’re made to walk instead of run just because. The lengthy zoom in/zoom out whenever you upgrade weapons. A devotion to gimmicks in dungeon design that slow the pace

“Next logical game” and “best” are two different answers, methinks.

“Next logical game” and “best” are two different answers, methinks.

He’s terrifying and I’m not a huge fan of his mini-game. I’m only... 6 days in at this point? I’m still farming materials every day. I don’t need ever third tree hit to be an egg, I need wood! I need ore!

No, thank you. 

This article was the kick in the butt that I needed to take much more extreme measures than I was taking. Thank you.

They ain’t there. Barb has them in a coin purse somewhere.

I like the way he is covering up his balls.

That’s a “thirst trap” for Pilot Pete? Good God, he must really be as boring as everyone says. 

If ever an article deserved an ' Oh my god , who fucking CARES! ' its this!

It’s like they saw my life and changed almost every single detail. 

But, bodega grapes. That makes her relatable, right?

It really does show how small a world this is, doesn’t it? I mean, who among us can’t relate to being a regular ol’ ivy league graduate and editor for the most famous newspaper in the world, with a dating history full of banal chumps like the CEO of major tech organization? And then to find out your multi-millionaire

“But I’ve invaded the space they believed to be pristine and disrupted their equilibrium, rubbing my juicy black booty on their bias.”

yea but thats politics, this is real life.

There we go. This seemed like the perfect switch game and I was REALLY having to bide my time waiting for it.

No gif can adequately express my excitement at this news.

You either die a totillo or live long enough to see yourself become a fahey